1. Well you will be proud I picked up a dis assembled 383 stroker which has a dft quikfuel
    Slayer carb for the 92 Chevy. Going to the machine shop Friday to check everything before I assemble my fist motor. And my Gauge on the Acura is having the same problem. It’s only a. Baby shot but I’m not sure what’s going on. Gauge has a crack in it and I think the bottle is empty . We always have the same problem. I also need a float for the quick fuel

  2. Bravo, to you sir. its really something that you do. not many take time to befriend folks the way you do especially youngsters, once again you display how young adults deserve to be treated when they are honest and putting in effort to better themselves through a good education and a worth while hobby like racing.I, commend you on the level of respect and friendship you showed that young man ,that was what it looks like when real old friends run into one another and share a few laughs and go for a leisurely roll about town.good test session everything will pan out.

  3. I’m a tuner in Texas and I love the channel if they decide to stay with the 5.3 fuel injection I will tune his truck for free . They will have to have Hp tuner so I can send tunes through email . I think the little s10 will run even better with the carb but I thought I would offer . God Bless.

  4. I know Michael's dad Norman. He is as good as they come and it reflects through Michael! Hats off yo you Bill for being such a stand up, positive role model! Much Respect to you sir

  5. Get that 55 done then tommys truck should be next. That thing has been on the side lines for years now. I been just dying to see that thing back in action.

  6. All the small things that you do with these up and coming younger drivers is amazing you do a great job of leading by example these kids will remember this for the rest of their life that they hopefully will do the same later in life you really are a humble & gracious person this crazy world needs more people like you thank you sir

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