What happened during my meeting with Toyota this week

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  1. Toyota is known for making very reliable cars. So I have no doubt that they will get it done in time. But I think they should get some other designers, because it's fine that they want to make less boring cars. But now they are downright ugly.

  2. The local guys from Toyota, I guess it's not their fault that what they are being asked to 'sell' is a turd, so they will be nice people, all they can do is direct the rage upwards.

  3. Is it true Toyota bz4x has a 1.000.000 km battery warranty to keep charge above 75%? If true maybe that's why their sw was overprotective. Perhaps they realized how contraproductive requirement it was and instead after the update allow users to use battery today rather than save it for 1 million km.

  4. Hydrogen = NOX emissions. People tend to forget (or not know) this.
    Even if there is no Co2 from it you still create cancerous pollution in the cities…

  5. The Toyota video must've gotten a lot of views because people are curious how many more jokes can be said about them, since they are doing a pretty good job making fun of themselves.

  6. there is so limited toyota bev's that you mind as well say they are compliance cars. just for the sake of toyota saying we make them. plus they couldn't have made the bz any uglier.

  7. Toyota is as far behind in BEV's as Tesla is in ICE cars and both has about the same chance of catching up with the other and they both have about the same will to do so as well.

  8. The reason people don’t like Toyota is because they have spent millions on political donations in favour of ICE and against EV adoption. They are also the company that came up with the lie that there is such a thing as a “self-charging hybrid”. As a world we have to stop burning fossils. As the biggest car maker in the world, Toyota are an active part of the problem, not part of the solution. They have spent billions on hydrogen cars, a technological dead end using a fuel made overwhelmingly from fossils. Let Toyota announce the end of their ICE production by 2030 and release some amazing BEVs and I will give them some credit

  9. Toyota was an early mover into alternative propulsion with the Prius, and they deserved all the success they got from popularizing hybrid drivetrains. But when CEO Akio Toyoda was smugly proclaiming that the world wasn't ready for EVs, he invested Toyota's capital elsewhere – into hydrogen, and doubling down on hybrids. He lacked the vision and/or the courage to turn Toyota's original advantage into a leadership position in EV market share. And when we see substandard products rushed to market like the bZ4X, I can only see failure coming for Toyota in the future. No one wants to back a loser!!

  10. I have a big problem with Toyota lobbying governments to slow down the transition to BEVs. Plus the ‘self charging’ BS. The stupid adverts and the management of Toyota constantly claiming hydrogen is the future of cars. Which is clearly isn’t.

  11. Thai people (and some people in the world) can't wait for charging EVs. I think that is one of the reasons why Toyota's new fuel cars are still sellable in Thailand (and in the world).

  12. 11:00 hydrogen indeed will be bullshit for passengers. Same sht like plugin hybrids, you carry all the EV bits (bats, motors) PLUS something else that makes electricity.. too much complexity that most people dont need or want to pay for.
    Just put some more battery and done.
    Also yeah they are afraid of cold due to water and they dont want to talk much about how quickly the fuelcell needs to be replaced and for what money and.. just no winning there. Good way to bankrupt, if scamming for government incentives fails.

  13. We own a Avensis and a Prius (2018 model) and both cars are really nice. No speed demons but they fit our family really well. We where really looking forward to the BZ but sadly Toyota dropped that ball pretty badly, I still like to view videos about it as I have a great experience from their customer support and owning several cars from them. We are currently looking at the ID cars which apart from the software looks really nice. Who knows if Toyota can redeem themself in the future.

  14. It's just damage control.
    They are filling you with corporate lies.
    They can't fix the very high consumption and the very small battery.
    At this point I'll rather buy a Chinese car from uncle Xi than a Toyota.

  15. 26:45 Toyota hate probably comes from them pressing so much brakes and as a big brand, having a lot of say power : said so much sht about EV's and made many less informed people to parrot that and take them as authority. And then they pulled that "self charging hybrid" bull too.. confusing less informed people even more about EV's.
    So there's reason to hate the FUD generating big brand that just muddied the waters because they didnt want to invest in EV's.

  16. This story reminds me of my school days. Little boys who performed poorly in school received applause when, on occasion, they happened to score a seven. While the good students received punishment for having an 8 score instead of the usual 9. Toyota is that bad student. Having an update to turn a shitty car into a slightly less shitty car does little to change that.

  17. It cant be correct that it included charging loss. It would skew your calculation of net battery size also. (you would get a larger result than reality)

  18. I've almost failed to mention – toyota has made another stupid move – ordering the drive train for their new vehicle bz3 from BYD. Clearly the leading battery tech this year will be from CATL.

  19. Toyota blew it for me even though I have had few Toyotas and currently own a Tacoma. They haven't put their best foot forward with EVs and it came to light that they were actively lobbying the government to slow down Ev adoption. Just waiting for the Cybertruck and I'm trading in my Tacoma.

  20. I actually think it's quite sad that Toyota get so much bad press for all their bad management decisions, ironically they have done more to make cleaner cars than most companies. Almost every car is a hybrid. Just lacking in evs

  21. More Toyota content for me! I'm an ex Toyota owner, I loved the car. I wanted to change to a Toyota EV but ended up with a Mercedes EV. Toyota have gone from being an innovative and customer focused company to being dinosaurs.

  22. Toyota as a company seem very married to the idea of selling ICEs for as long as they can. And it's that same mindset that keeps them from doing proper BEVs, while wasting resources on super-niche, inefficient concepts like the Mirai.

    Toyota shouldn't be selling just one single BEV in the year 2023, they could do better but choose not to.

  23. Regarding being negative about Toyota. They've been dragging their heels for a long time regarding all electric. I'm not convinced they are on board yet either. So.. what was their explanation on why the car had to throttle down DC charging speed after a few sessions, I still don't understand why?

  24. Toyota's are just such boring cars, their reputation for reliability is a carry over from 90's/2000's, now a days they're really not ahead. But everything else about their cars are so far behind, tech and conveniences, power, fuel economy, all behind competitors. But that 'toyota reliability' keeps them going.

    Only thing reliable about their car is that their blind loyalists will continue buying them without any consideration.

  25. When you test the may update, pls test the consumption vs. charged energy (from the charging station or the bill) per distance to qualify their spec‘s

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