TX2K23 Movie – Some of the BEST Street Action in Texas! (1,000hp + COPS!)

This year’s TX2K Movie! Hope y’all enjoy!
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Hope you guys enjoyed the video! Stay tuned for more videos, car build, vlogs, and more!

Thanks so much for watching!

Song: Victor Cooper – The Spread of Evil (No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Tunetank.



  1. I'm a big Honda guy build lots of them but my uncle has a 2020 Toyota Corolla SE AND LET ME SAY THIS that car surprise me after doing lightweight Wheels like the car in the video Plus K&n cold air intake with the front bumper air duct mod and header and a Cat-Back exhaust and that car actually surprised me it was decently quick for what it is it keeps up with my mom's 2012 Civic SI with intake and exhaust

    He wanted the six-speed manual but those tiptronic ones like the one in the video if you put them over in manual mode and you put it in sport mode turn the traction control off they're actually pretty decent with the 10-speed transmission like in the video you can see how much better at did from a role I don't know if the guy downshifted and had it in a lower gear when they did a roll but yeah once you do a few bolt-ons even though they're not fast they're decently quick for what they are

    And this is coming from somebody with a built k24 block K20 head 95 Civic Coupe that's a track car

    And oh for Honda Accord coupe V6 6-speed manual with the hfp Honda Factory performance package full bolt on J37 NA with 320whp for a daily

  2. Cops cops cops, tow truck tow truck tow truck…”what’s going on?”. Seriously?, you can’t tell what’s going on? This is what it looks like when your “event” has worn out its welcome. They’re trying to tell you to go somewhere else next year.

  3. This might be a really Longshot but I'm looking for a mechanic they call shaggy that builds engines in texas,there's a race coming up in February 2024,payout is 250,000

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