He was spouting his mouth at the bowling alley as the best bowler there and got locked up into a frame for money. 10 mins later he comes in with the butt hurt bar which happens to liken a handi-ramp for bowling when inverted.The match never happened though when he was denied use to only himself of the gutter bumpers. Apparently not the greatest.
I wonder why they dont allow a rear chassis extension like that in NHRA?? oh yeah cuz they understand how physics work lol. He's so good he had to find a way to cheat to win lmao
Real street and real humble joey!
What a move Joey makes midtrack on Ryan Two of the best in the small tire game
That nuclear reactor!
I knew it would be. KCs Transam and beater bomb in the finals.
Want to see him again My little pony
I wonder how many times it’s come down to Kcmaxx vs beater bomb in the finals
2 of the most humble street racers in the country it sucks there has to be a loser when they race each other
Liget the nicest fastet racer out there.
There might be nicer and there might be faster out there but ain't none of them both like beater bomb
Fuckin beater bomb is the shit!!!
Best final lineup ever. 2 favorite street racers who for half a decade have been putting in work at the top of the field
Can I assume by the title Beater Bomb goes to the finals… and wins? Maybe use better titles, like Mexico City Mayhem, Tiajuana throwdown..
He was spouting his mouth at the bowling alley as the best bowler there and got locked up into a frame for money. 10 mins later he comes in with the butt hurt bar which happens to liken a handi-ramp for bowling when inverted.The match never happened though when he was denied use to only himself of the gutter bumpers. Apparently not the greatest.
Dam to many trees if something goes wrong scary specially the speeds they`re running scary..
Beater Bomb with the old school mooneyes aero covers on the rear are nice reminder of yester year. Eddie Hill days
Rock on big man
I wonder why they dont allow a rear chassis extension like that in NHRA?? oh yeah cuz they understand how physics work lol. He's so good he had to find a way to cheat to win lmao
Sometimes I'd rather be lucky than good. Joey is good.
Joey is the man!!!
I can’t get past the fact the title is so jacked up.
Butt hurt bar is Magic!
Whete are all those coyotes outrunning him lmao
Seems not to long ago Billy in the Falcon put him on the trailer at da pad!!
The hater bar is my favorite part of bb
The man's been in it for awhile well deserved
Torn Achilles??
I can rely on the beater bomb great inspiration great person probably spends the win on his family
Joey and Beater, what a combo!
Ladder bar style weight hanging way back for traction ,If you guys think so
Awesome job Joey!!! You always kick ass and your a great family man whose very humble!!
Love seeing Joey do work on the streets!
No he ain't
Joey's the man
joeys just 100% bamf on the street….love watching him put in work
Nice Joey, way to lay the smack down brother.Nebraska to the front
Joey and beater make the combination of the street racing GOAT!!
It’s like if he is in front u not catching him not what the chances are
Nobody going to say nothing about buddy eyes 10:15
Limpy really is one of the best flaggers out there. No dancing, jumping, or clowning around; just really clean, professional flagging.
That Mustang with Joey at the helm will keep most of them in the rear view mirror!!!!!