1. Huge reflection of just how much your dedication to stats came through and how much they are appreciated in the racing community by the level of your first three interviews. Outstanding Sir. Kudos and wish you nothing but the best in the future. Scott Taylor is whats good about racing.

  2. 17:16 Aside from the first round callouts like when someone is broke, name one person from the 405, or any team for that mater, that threw a race for their teammates.

  3. 1) I don’t agree with outlawing the 144PC. All they had to do was just put a weight adder on it if a program used they setup.

    Also, I think the weight added to the Screw Blower wasn’t high enough.

    The rule I don’t like and it might be the only rule I’m against is the year of the car getting a weight deduction if it’s an old body.

    What you see prior to Season-6 is so many cars getting upgrades and new cars but the cream will still rise to the top and those guys who put in the time and effort will again be fighting at the top.

    2) I don’t want to see NPK goto 28’s but I understand why Scott brought up that point.

    I think teams like Ryan & Lutz & STM & Kye would be at the top of any format they want to put together. It’s not just who has the fastest car or makes the most HP. For instance, if they switched to small tire and gave everyone advanced notice, Ryan Martin would likely still be favorited or have the best betting odds to win the season.

  4. * Sorry for multiple comments but the biggest black eye for me and it was a small little issue was how NOLA handled the last America’s list by trying to help Bobby once he made it to #1. Bobby at one time I think didn’t race for like 2-3 shows because they tried to unjustly favor him while he had the #1.

    Then when Bobby lost that spot, they realized their mistake but it was too late as the mob of drivers instead of doing what was right, were voting to try and keep 405 off from winning the show.

    Nobody is perfect and I think most of them would admit they made a mistake and it was bad judgment for just the integrity of being fair in the event/show.

    Doesn’t change the fact though that I really like Scott Taylor and Lizi in their team.

    ** I also lost some respect for how Kye acted around his teammates trying to gift wrap him the championship.

    I really really like Scott and he’s my favorite driver on Nola but as far as this past season, 405 was much more legit in racing than how Nola gave Kye some things and he still whined about it.

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