1. Honestly these fucking idiots drinking @ 6:19 in the burnout area are fucking morons. These cars are doing 60 mph through their sometimes and if someone gets hit they are dead. Then what happens with the driver he has to deal with it and be investigated by the cops. I don’t care who it is only people that should be in the starting area are the team members and starter thats it.

  2. Be a whole lot easier to discuss things if there wasn't 100 unnecessary people on the starting line! Only people needs to be up there are the people with the cars on the line and the track workers!

  3. all fuckin day the tree was taking 100 years to go green, but then after the issue over people in the way (including the tree operator lol) and somehow this time the tree never went green…Finally they stage again, but the tree goes green instantly lol

  4. People have to take into account tat Team Meatball just lost their number one car on their team just a couple days ago and have been up tearing the car apart for the last two days they are not in the mood for bullshit. I am surprised they keep it in check as well as they did! And by the way this is not the first time the light guy has started some bullshit he's done this at every big race there that I've watched or been too!

  5. The Decker boy track will become a badass track if they will open it up as many days as they can and let cars go down it and it will with time come around and let me tell you when it does it going to be fast! It need a bunch of under 1,000 horsepower cars going down it everyday and I think if they prep it a bunch it would season the surface and get good!

  6. What y'all need is about 30 more people standing at the start line. I'm a veteran myself and I'll be the first to tell anyone, I served with some dumbasses and if I'm being honest, I was a dumbass a time or two myself. You don't get excused just because you a veteran.

  7. Keep up the great work fellas! Hopefully the jackass track owner will sell it to someone that know wtf is going on! Hate to see that happen to Zach, he’s a damn good dude!

  8. The burnout issue and tree problem had nothing to do with losing the race. I’ve been in both these situations multiple times. What was the urgency to do the burnout? Sit and wait screw it. Also tree malfunctions with or without auto start happen. Back it up try again like you did. Missed tune up lost . Don’t go back up to starting line crying. Almost seems like a lack of experience in the long run

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