Ryan Martin vs Kye Kelley- The battle for top Dog (compilation)

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  1. man having most of the line ups back to back, they are so close, but forget how dominant ryan was against kye. want to see him win again this season but also dont, if he pulls it off again it would solidify what his team are indefinably, but also want to see it allot closer at the top 6 at least

  2. Kye jumped red & Ryan still drove up beside him….I hate the new tire size rule that's absolutely crazy but worst of all this new 5th grade style captain pick your team crap like they about to have a kick ball tournament is the dumbest thing ever…there's no end to what they're willing to try just to beat Ryan with rules and schemes..leave the rules alone and let the teams work and they'll figure it out and someone will beat him eventually and have way more respect for earning it…monza,Shawn, Ryan have the exact combo this year,Dave has a very very similar setup and jeff is top 5 fast last year and will b faster this year..they know all those guys working together sharing data every round will make them all top contenders and their worst fear is it making Ryan even faster..they're literally petrified of the chance of the 405 being the best team and the champion coming from the same group…so split up the original and only real team in the name of beating Ryan and creating drama over racing…lizzy can't run without daddy and daddy want be on a team with kye..Texas split leaving a Mike & birdman team..Justin is to big in his mind to race on a team so he demanded his own team so if your with him you race under swan pond flock Inc. LLC umbrella, they tried putting odham & howe on his team they said no .so you had swanstrom Inc LLC & mills on a team..John & odham on a team and California recruited 17 cars…so the fans & the og team have to suffer because everyone else…just say no teams and let's go race, form an alliance with who you please

  3. The battle for top dog against Kye in all five seasons has been won by Ryan not even a contest. Don’t try a start something that’s not even there.

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