Ryan Martin Champion Power!!

In this video we have ryan martin who drives the beautiful procharged camaro that was a new build this year. Ryan Martin is no stranger to no prep or any type of racing for that matter. Ryan Martin won last season of no prep kings points series. But, Ryan as many of you know came out with a new build and stlll won the championship. The secret sauce to Ryan is hard work and dedication to the game of no prep. The end result is the new procharged camaro rolling through events like butter. Has it been an easy season for Ryan? No, many times the points lead change hands several times but at the end of the season ryan came out on top. Could Ryan be the Tom Brady of no prep? Only time will time but Ryan is racking up event wins and championships with little to no hiccup in his racing program. Let us know what you think on Ryan’s championship future. Do you think he has the ablilty to win multiple championships like tom Brady? Let us know sound off who you think can dethrone the king. Also, for more no prep action we cover follow our social medias at:


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