Project Bottle Rocket Grows Up – Here Are The Numbers, Facts, History And It’s Future

It’s been a long, bumpy road with many setbacks, but our ultra low budget 4 Door Dodge Coronet Street Racer has finally evolved into the car we envisioned when we started this project four years ago.
Here is a rundown of her history and intended goals, along with the background story of our grudge race last week against Casper from @unitymotorsportsgarage.
We go over the time slip from that run, review all the circumstances and parts that went into it, and announce the cars new direction and hopefully piss off a few people in the process.
#mopar #engines #sleeper #grudgeracing #nitrous #318willrun
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  1. lololololol…great video U.T…..dont get yourself all peved over phoneys…!…I'd like to bet that the loudest ones….DONT EVEN have a car @ all…!..they just live 2 get under "someone's" skin…!…& u-tube just happens to be a perfict stage to hide behind….! IF they were car people…they would under stand the premmis of "bottle rocket"…u took junk…& made it WORK…!..bravo…well done…!….plaster the "no time"/N/T…on all 4 sides…windshield…back window & both side rear door glass…lololololol…& go enjoy yourself..& have fun…"on a buget"….!…well done…thanks 4 the entertanment….!

  2. Great race ! I understand that other subjects have to be covered , but it would sure be fun to see them line up when they're both sorted . In the end , Bottle Rocket , being on nitrous and weighing so much less , will still have a big advantage . Of course they wouldn't ever see each other in a sanctioned race ….just different classes altogether .

  3. Hey Uncle Tony, really appreciate this series on the bottle. Rocket lots of good information. I love your saying that common sense isn't a tree that grows in everybody's yard. I love that also, that race looks like a lot of fun. Real blast. Of course you got your a holes who are going to be uptight and trying to call you out and all of that silly nonsense keep enjoying the car

  4. A little more chassis tuning, and a little more spray on it should get you pretty close to your goal here. The car should probably go 7.20-7.30 without any more nitrous than you’re running now. Do you run any more timing retard at all or is it just straight 32 degrees on and off the bottle? I’m surprised that you are getting away with those stock 340 valve springs on a roller cam like that…

  5. Small tire N/T? Lol, doesnt cost anything to yank bench seats and door panels.
    Man, old guy here, havent raced in a long time. Dont you have to keep factory roof and quarters? Lol, got my interest. Give it hell UT.

  6. Made a believer out of me ,the car was fast ,also you aren't the only man that I seen turn pistons around for power but the first I seen to tell it! You know your stuff.Can't judge a car by it's looks . I know a man that took an old ford 63 galaxie and made a lot of folks mad back in the day with a junk yard 352 and it would lift that same tire and third gear was the magic gear on that car!

  7. Yeah, you make your money off from those watching this channel and you act like this… What an ass!! In this case, N/T stands for NO TONY….. What an ass…..

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