1. I read about this movie in the wonderful biography of Titus Moody called, Print the Legend.. it said the name was The Winner and it still had that title in the front, but when Paul Newman's racing picture came out called Winning around the same time, they changed this title to Pit Stop even tho there is no pit stop in the movie.

  2. my father used to race figure 8 back in the 50s in michigan…..raced a 35 ford coupe, but unlike the movie, by lap 2, you couldnt see anything but dust

  3. The opening race at Ascot got me. I'm from Torrance, CA right next to Ascot. It was owned by the Agajanian family. I went to high school with Agajanians, as did my mother at Gardena High before me. The South Bay area if LA County wad, and still is, a hot spot of car culture. Racing legend Parnelli Jones was a local. A little over a decade ago I met a very old local who lived a few blocks from me. He told me about being in the stands at Ascot with Carroll Shelby and a few others when Shelby had a brainstorm about the legendary car that was named after him and developed here. Even though I was a little kid at the time of this film I'm just old enough to appreciate the nostalgia of the car culture it shows. I'd never heard of this film. Thanks very much for posting.

  4. Beverly Washburn as Jolene really got my motor running. That face. Those lips! A very unique kind of beauty. To think that she was hanging with Captain Spaulding… beauty and the beast.

  5. Except for his girlfriend Ringo, this movie is pre-Beatles '60s. Learn children @14:40 $2.25 AnHour for hard work. We call that Inflation. This movie has Ellen Burstyn (pre-Exocist) and way before the Road Warrior. No seat belts or crumple zones kids. great stuff.

  6. I've been looking for this film for nearly40 years man wow… I could just remember one scene from when I was a couple of few yrs old and watched with pops and pops died nearly 24 yrs ago now so never had the chance or foresight to ask thinking pops would be around forever…"gutted" anyhu ya can't beet drag racing in my book expecially a bit of "where it all came from" nostalgia! Stay safe out there and have fun…. God bless America!

  7. I can't believe the ridiculous amount of fossil fuels wasted on street drag racing back then.

    This is testosterone poisoning at its worst. This movie should be banned from being shown, or destroyed, so as not to encourage current young males to engage in this kind of activity.

    Another caution, it seems to have something to do with whiteness. It seems that most of the people engaging in this activity are white males.

    People are always discussing "gun control." But I believe there is a greater need to establish "horsepower control."

    No passenger vehicle should be allowed to have more than 200 horsepower. It would reduce the number of accidents as well as reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

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