OUCH, that's gonna leave a mark! Race car drawing blood!

Oh, that hurts a lot! When working on the race car goes wrong, it’s gonna leave a scar. But what can you do? My finger hopefully will have it’s feeling back soon. More progress on the car, but as always it seems work is terribly slow. Less than two weeks away from our Knoxville race, lets go!


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  1. I feel your pain John. last year I was tightening the chuck on a 90 degree drill and hit the trigger. it shoved the chuck key straight through my thumb. It never hurt real bad and didn't bleed too much surprisingly. but it did freak out some of my co workers.. When that shit happens, it happens Right now So quickly.. Take care

  2. I've built a lot of stainless exhausts for race cars and aircraft. To mitigate cracking issues get a bucket of water with a rag and quench those welds as you make them. This does several things one it keeps you from burning yourself as much and it also reduces the stress in the material by controlling thermal expansion. Additionally it anneals the material restoring some ductility. The world was difficult to draw because of carbide precipitation. You probably don't want to go to the hassle but back purging is the solution to that

  3. Wear gloves when drilling, grinding welding and using any other sharp tools! You can't work when you're injured. I stuck a sharp tool all the way my left index finger many years ago damaging the tendons and cutting a nerve. My finger tip was numb for about a year but the severed nerve repaired itself. The damaged tendons required expensive surgery to repair.

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