Dreamfest No Prep event in Rockingham North Carolina. One of the biggest showdowns between the Honda racing scene of the North and the South.
#dreamfest #noprep #fwd
Dreamfest No Prep event in Rockingham North Carolina. One of the biggest showdowns between the Honda racing scene of the North and the South.
#dreamfest #noprep #fwd
Ayyy LFG w the premiere
I want that green crx my buddy that passed had one. That’s why I’m into Hondas now
cf better then 1320 hands down one of the best in honda coverage
Garden state had all motor k with front intercooler where the turbo hiding look like na header super charger must of been hiding good
boosted hondas are no joke
That red coupe leaves odee odee
Ant eny white raffle coupe made it out there
Let’s get it !!!
dude….post the phonk tracks
Big dude at the starting line in the blue shirt screaming after every pass like he has no sense kills the video…