1. I'd race ya for some taco mayo ! Lol .
    Kinda miss having one close . Ignore the keyboard bench racers James , none of them are ballsy enough to put down money and flip for a lane.

  2. I'd rather meet you guys sometime. I agree with what you said brother! I don't think I'd be able to race you in the 1980 Ford Granada 4.1l or the 85 Ford F150 4.9l or the Ranger with a 2.3l 4cyl.
    One of the fastest cars I've owned was a 93 Ford Mustang LX Vin M 2.3l dual plug 4 cyl.
    looking good brother.

  3. What ever big shot your one of the least popular racers. You can’t even make the top ten in NPK. I actually think your better than average but give it a rest nobody likes a bragger. I mean look at Ryan now he has class and doesn’t act a fool like you do. Your so full of crap a real legend in your own mind. You would probably be twice as popular if you had some class . Maybe all those years in prison taking it up the a$$ screwed your head up .

  4. bro, you sound like such a douche bag…. you sir are famous for being a shitty race car driver…. famous for dragging ur muffler down the road on nation television… so yes your famous… for being a joke..

  5. Internet call outs is like the “cb Rambo” back in the day. They’re tough guys behind that radio or keyboard but never show up when it’s time to go. James telling them it’s time to get down or lay down.

  6. You are definitely going to need to make sure they bring their signed permission slips from their mommy's and make sure they're back in the basement before bed. They're the type that you don't let stay the night due to their bed wetting ways

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