Uncle Tony how you doing. I've been watching your videos for a while wow. I have a mopar I cannot get it right? It's A 383. Is there anyway that me and you can really talk thank you for your feedback
I wish for an Epic Win! Like the old comic movies when the engine is falling apart and it gives a last breath to win. Hehe. Dont break the light untill its green. Casper's traction is your avantage and you know it. Last thing, enjoy every moments.
Hey Tony, Tim here…….i wish you good luck, and no offense to Andy, as i am an avid Vizard/Unity watcher…….my bet is on you, cuz……cuz………just cuz………what is with these people tellin u what to do?……i'm close to 60, you ARE…….u know what to do……just do it………i like that u said you built it loose…….it WILL work to yer advantage…..i'm knowledgeable of loose motors…….they wont last, but all u need is 1 pass…..YEA!! GET IT ON!!!……..i look fwd to tomorows vid…….i'll be on pins and needles over here in VA……GET'R DONE!!!…Hahaha……
Even though I'm a GM guy at heart, I'm building my 2nd V-8 Ranger right now but, I'd love to see that taxi cab SMOKE Andys truck. I guess you could say that I don't really have a favorite manufacturer.
Your engine build sounds like something Jr. Johnson would've tried back in his day. I remember when D.W. won The Winston(?) back in the late 80s only to blow the engine on the cool down lap.
We've had high winds here in Northwest Ohio for the past few days too. The wind took my U.T.G. hat off yesterday and I couldn't chase it down. Gotta order another one now.
Use any excuse you want to why it an auto trans. The fact is when most get to be Tony's age they swap to auto transmission , maybe from arthritis in the knee, or a hip replacement , A lot of the times it is simple as not being able to read the shift pattern on the shift knob. Then again some of us old folks still only drive 3 peddle cars.
For those of you who have never raced…. AS SOON AS YOU LINE UP ON THE START LINE YOU WILL HAVE TO PEE ! ! IT DOESN'T MATTER if you just used the bathroom on the way to the line…..when you get there you will have to pee ! ! ! Experience you ask, 3 years drag racing then 5 years on motorcycles…then I discovered how much fun flying can be, and with 6 kids you have to give up something. But at 73 I still enjoy watching tony.
Your always coughing, take some of that YouTube money and get into supplements. Start with fulvic minerals. If you don't like doctors you should become friends with vitamin
Hopefully he put a diaper on the engine for BR
7-11 is what I drink too.
Good luck
Uncle Tony how you doing. I've been watching your videos for a while wow. I have a mopar I cannot get it right? It's A 383. Is there anyway that me and you can really talk thank you for your feedback
I wish for an Epic Win!
Like the old comic movies when the engine is falling apart and it gives a last breath to win. Hehe.
Dont break the light untill its green. Casper's traction is your avantage and you know it.
Last thing, enjoy every moments.
I can’t wait!
No we're going to hire a French artist!!! Should have the results in about 8 months. Lol I literally Laughed My Ass Off.
If you don't have some kind of slicks on the back of the car you are going to lose heavily
Wait is he rocket running?
I am primarly a Ford man,. but love older mopar too, this is hard, I like you and Andy, good luck to both of you to have no accidents.
Good Luck !!
Hey Tony,
Tim here…….i wish you good luck, and no offense to Andy, as i am an avid Vizard/Unity watcher…….my bet is on you, cuz……cuz………just cuz………what is with these people tellin u what to do?……i'm close to 60, you ARE…….u know what to do……just do it………i like that u said you built it loose…….it WILL work to yer advantage…..i'm knowledgeable of loose motors…….they wont last, but all u need is 1 pass…..YEA!! GET IT ON!!!……..i look fwd to tomorows vid…….i'll be on pins and needles over here in VA……GET'R DONE!!!…Hahaha……
I hope you win! Love Wndys stuff but I bleed Mopar blue
"that's not how you build things tony"
when you know the rules and understand the consequences you get to bend them however you wish
Just Remember Red Light Green Light When We Were Kids
It's o.k., Tony. I haven't watched TV in 13 years and very few movies. I've seen maybe one full F&F movie.
OMG Tony shelled out for some Synthetic oil . That would have hurt … lol
what happen to lamchops?
How come your moderators are so Kool?
Even though I'm a GM guy at heart, I'm building my 2nd V-8 Ranger right now but, I'd love to see that taxi cab SMOKE Andys truck. I guess you could say that I don't really have a favorite manufacturer.
Your engine build sounds like something Jr. Johnson would've tried back in his day. I remember when D.W. won The Winston(?) back in the late 80s only to blow the engine on the cool down lap.
Whatever happened to the smaller slant 6 build that I believe came out of the maita? Wasn't he planning on dragging with that engine?
Hope he brought the 5 grand LOL BUT you never know.
I think for $5K you'll get good at cutting a light rather quickly lol
We've had high winds here in Northwest Ohio for the past few days too. The wind took my U.T.G. hat off yesterday and I couldn't chase it down. Gotta order another one now.
Looking forward to the outcome of y'all's race! Wearing my UTG shirt to support Bottle Rocket! Wish luck to you both, and have a safe night
Why do you roll your own smokes. American spirits don't have any additives just tabbaco and paper
This one took me by surprise, and I missed it. Good luck and hoping everything goes right for you Tony. Good vibes from Down Under.
Anyway I.could careless! Priceless
Its 9:48pm eastern time…. Do you know where your UT is…?
Was this race today ?
Use any excuse you want to why it an auto trans. The fact is when most get to be Tony's age they swap to auto transmission , maybe from arthritis in the knee, or a hip replacement , A lot of the times it is simple as not being able to read the shift pattern on the shift knob. Then again some of us old folks still only drive 3 peddle cars.
20:47 Nitro would blow the engine to pieces. /( -_-)
Hello Cathy and Uncle Tony.. Happy 1st of April. John & Cathy Tacoma, Wa We are into RAIN here..
2:28 3:31 i sez! Gotta love UTG, he's the real deal.
If that engine survived, it would be really neat if you could dyno it and figure out what it did do!
Happy New Year Tony
Eating before the race……..umm,…NO.
For those of you who have never raced…. AS SOON AS YOU LINE UP ON THE START LINE YOU WILL HAVE TO PEE ! ! IT DOESN'T MATTER if you just used the bathroom on the way to the line…..when you get there you will have to pee ! ! !
Experience you ask, 3 years drag racing then 5 years on motorcycles…then I discovered how much fun flying can be, and with 6 kids you have to give up something. But at 73 I still enjoy watching tony.
can't cut a light? and you bet $5000. 318 vs 429, YOU'RE SANTA CLAUS.
So the verdict is?
Drum rolls !!!
Your always coughing, take some of that YouTube money and get into supplements. Start with fulvic minerals. If you don't like doctors you should become friends with vitamin