1. Why are u going to PRI if they wont let ur fans in? thats kinda stupid ur supporting a place that only supports it self off u racers fuck them PRI = Probing, reach for information and run away with the ur money… NEVER TELL THE TRUTH lie through ur teeth and dont pop ur hood…. tell them u fliped ur pinnon bracket and all ur running is the top hole

  2. Glad to see the Malibu up & running with its new 421 CID engine. Looking forward to seeing what it will do on the track.
    Got a question: If the '64 C10 is Vicky's truck, why is she never behind the wheel when the two of you go on road trips?

  3. My comment is about Unc Bucko face when you send Crakbarrl down the road was priceless. Mrs Vicki has a great vision of Christmas and she done a Super job! I was wondering if Cracker Bartle would jump on board as a sponsor in the future. Ijs. Happy Holidays.

  4. Bill as you know Sick Week is in florida in the spring. Also if u are looking to do a lil skreet stuff maybe, just contact the guy who your boys hooked up with there in the swamp lol I know they play there. I used up a few set of slicks in my younger days rt where they were. I can contact him if u want

  5. Badass Malibu!! Hey Sir I have a 77 Chevy pickup..I want to put a 700r trans.. where did you get yours? And who do you recommend that I can buy one from?? Thank you

  6. Seeing bucko's garage I noticed his coke machine outside and don't feel so bad putting my 1957 westinghouse machine outside just in time for the cold michigan winter. Just sold my house of 22 years and moved into the home I grew up in. Actually we've been moved for a couple years now while the house was rented out, but with it recently sold it was time to move the entire shop and race car. That poor coke machine had a nice life inside but it's gonna have to sit it out this winter.

  7. Bill you are now a hero.PRI is the ultimate invite for you guys.They could not have invited a more sutible person, you a a guruof car and caburator knowledge. if i could ever build a car i would only get advice from you and your team. Good luck this weekend and God Bless

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