1. Amazing job that twin turbo was quick glad to see the food trailer in the background again it was a pleasure to hear it in person and feed you all from Deez Diner

  2. Wanna see some Koenigseggs run on drag strip
    Koenigsegg Agera RS or Regera both trap 165 mph on normal tarmac
    So I see them going 8.9 or 8.6 on Prepped Surface
    But no owner has balls to being these and kept rusting in garages
    Even Chiron SS can run 8.9 if launched properly
    Chiron SS 0-60 2.3 sec 0-124 mph 5.8 sec 0-186 mph 12.9 sec
    1/4 mile equates to 8.9 @158 mph in the Chiron Supersport

  3. My how the tables have turned: for years the Teslas of the world needed additional cooling. Interesting to see how the Teslas have gotten to a point where it is the opposite. Interesting still how the icing of the ICE (ha!) car isn't seen as a handicap, just normal for a really fast car. Wonder how that will be when the Roadster 2.0 hits the drag strips.

  4. This is a perfect example on why I’ll always choose ICE vehicles over Electric vehicles. You can modify ICE vehicles to crazy amounts of power and obviously they sound great and with EVs, obviously they are only as fast as they are from factory unless there are over the air updates or something I’m assuming. On top of that, EVs don’t sound like anything and are just boring in my opinion. As impressive as the plaid is, If a 1.9 second 0-60 Tesla still gets easily beaten by heavily modified exotics, then EVs still have a of improvement to make in my opinion. But they haven’t been around long and a family sedan performing like that is beyond impressive obviously. I respect everyone who wants to have an EV because obviously everyone can have whatever they want but for me personally, that’s how I feel about it. And it sucks that all the best ICE vehicles are slowly going away. It’s obviously not fair but that’s how it is. Great video as always Brooks! I enjoy your videos

  5. You need an 8 sec car. Simple stuff. Change out or modify the Tesla controller to do a bigger electron dump and then you will need a 7 sec car to beat it.

  6. Sad that the R8 can't do atleast 2 runs back to back… Leaves a bad taste, that was always what I hated about the old ModelS. If we going in areas where the shit falls apart after 1 run I could also strap a rocket engine on the roof and beat everything.

  7. Glad to know that 'all it takes' to beat a factory Plaid is 'only' an R8 heavily modified with 1400HP also noisy and obnoxious AF.
    Other than that, what's new here?

  8. The problem is, the low testosterone Teslacult doesn't know this isn't a top notch R8 V10 Build lol. Fastest stock engine Huracan does 7.8 at the quarter. Thats faster than Elon overpromising to keep the hype high.

  9. I don’t even know why we race gas cars against electric. 2 different classes. It’s easy for an electric to go fast with less engineering due to instant torque. Combustion engines will always be more of a tech marvel for speed

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