1. I’m not trying to talk trash but man y’all go to oreillys to get parts and filters. If you didn’t know it I’m telling you know OREIILLYS STOCKS OEM HONDA OIL FILTERS. please stop using the cheapest filters you can buy on your engines. Idk if you care or not but it can make a difference …. They’re only 4$ more maybe helll y’all buy so much I’m sure you can make a commercial account at oreillys there is not any requirements. Or if your local store won’t do it I’m a assistant manager in Tennessee and I’ll set you up a professional account myself and get you better pricing. ! Y’all buy a lot I’m sure I’d love to help secure even more business.

  2. Do you have polymer on the bottom of the hull? Wet or dry concrete i think there's not a difference, wet grass the boat will slide easier than dry grass. Also asphalt/concrete will eat up the hull which is why asked it they put polymer on the bottom of the hull.

  3. Sweet boat! Get a good hull underneath that thing and let’s have a race. https://youtu.be/en9a9s2bdRk I just finished up my turbo as well. As others said keep on the throttle to stabilize the boat and the prop will act as a gyro and keep things level. Find some shallow water to play in it makes it better as well. Good luck!

  4. if you need it to nose foreword more you can play with the rear steering flaps and add a kick down panel that directs some airflow downward which will nose you foreword and help keep it on plane.

  5. The new fish camp owner is kinda of lame there on Lake T.
    There used to be tons of fun there on that beach. Live music on the weekends, huge atmosphere. Now some lady came in and made it miserable.

  6. I grew up hunting off air boats in ak cut the front seat off make a bench seat u don't have the torque for a big load but that will lower the weight of u have some one on and yes that haul has sharp edges so it will catch rounded sides with a Teflon bottom so u can slide most ppl in ak have big blocks or atleast a 350 the torque helps alot if u can fix the boost and get in a inch or 2 of water u will fly we haul moose in ours aswell as a few ppl and its all wetlands with beaver dams and dry land so u need the power and the copper river which is sketchy in a airboat

  7. Worried about skippy’s turbo… Kyle be careful once you start running through that sawgrass you will be for sure running through a bunch of bugs don’t want them running through that turbo. IMO

  8. I was having the shittiest morning ever. Just found out I had to work doubles until they find a replacement for the person who left my work.

    Took my lunchbreak & this video was uploaded for me to watch. I don't think you realize how much better this made my day. Being able to think about the water, & getting away, and the engineering you guys put into your stuff always makes me a happier person. You always knock it out of the park. I've been watching you guys since the hatchback days! You never fail to deliver! Thank you,

  9. 4:10 Honestly. You could do so much with the equipment you've built when Storms hit Florida. I would definitely binge watch a series of you going around and driving that thing through flooded areas!

  10. Great vid. Maybe get with airboat folks to learn a little more about drivng etc.. Get another hull also.. I dont get why anyone would build one like that

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