1. The new video format is awesome. I'm really enjoying all the content. I'm really glad to see u using a tig welder now, and ur working off a table and not the floor. Keep it up, Preston!

  2. rad guys … i need to do this myself as im still flux welding lmfao , its ugly af but holds and a old head that usta use the oxy and acedaline torches to weld with say a gringer and paint will make you the the welder you aint lmfao and i have lived by that since lol … peace n love guys keep it rad stay safe and build on … ps i am curious as to how the stacked cores are gonna do with air flow throu them for cooling and flow throu is any boost pressure loss from side to side … that were my brain actually working for efficiency lmfao not that i am efficient but i know what it is lmfao peace out guys keep having fun n besta luck this season i hope i am ready to compete aswell but time tells all n e ways l8z guys

  3. Key to TIG is clean clean clean. Acetone in a squirt bottle and shop towel paper towels go a long way to cleanliness. Also get dedicated metal brushes for cleaning, dont want any steel contaminates on aluminum cleaning supplies. . Crap aluminum that's been oil soaked will never ever weld clean…. so happy you got a tig though… less splatter and the options are much bigger now.

  4. Def. dont need a BOV. Esp. if you re trying to save weight. Many OEM turbos much smaller than yours (turn more RPM) run for 100k++ with no issues. I haven't run one since 2012. Lots of 8 sec passes, several vehicles. Good luck!

  5. Practice Practice Practice and practice makes perfect. Keep up the great work . Do you know anyone that can smoke test it for you to make sure you have a closed system .

  6. I would love to see a video of leak testing this innercooler looks like u did pretty dam good for just starting to tig weld just curious how many pin holes / leaks it has

  7. Tip for TIG welding the better you prep the material you are welding the better your welds are going to be and on the intercooler piping take some fine sand paper and scuff the part you are going to weld then take acetone and wipe it off really good before you weld it and if you have the pieces to do it with you should back purge the aluminum intercooler piping and you can always take aluminum foil to cover the ends with as long as you have the hose to back purge the pipe and of course the extra acetylene gas to use to back purge it and that will also help clean up your welds especially on aluminum

  8. INTERCOOLER THEORY: The one question to ask is: What is the correlation of Presser Ratio (boost), to Density Ratio (Oxygen Molecules in a set Pressure Ratio?

    As there is an increase in PR there is also an increase in DR. But the problem is (OR SOLUTION!!), the increase is always at a different rate. Well, why?? Well, as PR increases, the OXYGEN MOLOCULES get hot. This is the math equation relation of temperature to Oxygen to set PR. But if you can decrease temperature a bit more, would gain an INCREASE the DR a bit more. So, this would increase the amount of Oxygen Molecules at the same PR. Well, .,. This would increase the amount of power AT THE SAME PR OF THE PREVIOUSLY DONE TIME, WHITHOUT SOLVING THE OXYGEN PROBLEM.

    In the past I would do calculations on selecting the correct size turbo to match said motor at max rpm and shift points are at. To find the correct amount of fueling at a set RPM, and at set known PR, with a known temperature. You have to know this equation. I was building my own turbo system for a JEEP 4.0, set at a .6 BAR and I didn't want to blow my motor up.


  9. No one expects you to be an expert instantly, on average an expert takes 10,000 hrs to become a master of their trade…remember everyone started with no experience! you will become as good as you want to be, it takes dedication!… keep truckin'!

  10. That's really good work for your first day. I took a similar approach with my car. I just bought a welder and didn't focus too much on how the result looked, just whether it was air tight. Your welds are about like mine lol.

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