1. What a incredible journey, Luke…! Thanks for taking us all along…! Sorry I wasn't there to witness history…! There will be many more, I know…
    Well done, Brother… ! Strength to Strength, my Man…!

  2. So, your "overnight" success happened after a bunch of long, hard hours, weeks and months of work, "all done on your own" with a bunch of help from others who pitched in beyond what was expected.
    Very, very well done I say!
    I genuinely don't know the outcome of the race against Frarmtruck, at this point, but in my opinion you're a winner, regardless.
    Keep it up.
    P.S. Ripper vid mate, in editing ,starring and narrating.

  3. The thing about them being scared and needing the hit was obviously just a joke? Both left on green?

    Looks like it went well! 7000rpm stock bottom end and nitrous is wild!

  4. Brother I have Been watching Australian auto sports for years. I love it. Well done. Hard works pays off brother. Much love from the US. I would love to rep your gear here in the US

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