Electric vehicles just got $$$ thousands cheaper for ordinary Australians | Auto Expert John Cadogan

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  1. Very important. Not sure this was said. Key to remember is if you break a novated lease early you still have to pay ALL the interest for original loan period. Very important. Not many people say this.

  2. I think you're forgetting, that if 'the gubbermint ' decides to reduce tax in one area, they'll make sure they increase it in some other.

  3. Encouraging more consumer debt, Yesssss! Just how we make Australia less shit. Especially with suggestions like the 'shitbox' Nissan Leaf, 'unproven' MG or 'unknown' BYD, what could possibly go wrong? Maybe even treat yourself to the cheapest model offered by Electric Jesus.

  4. Novated leases include the fuel component and servicing based on the average km’s you state you will be driving. I assume this fuel cost component is removed form the monthly lease cost as you will be mostly charging at home and EV servicing is a lot less.
    So obviously the monthly cost for an EV will be less, but you will be paying for charging separately I assume?

  5. The cheapest (and most environmentally friendly) car is the one you already own. If it doesn't need replacing, don't. You can't buy more to save money, you can't consume more to save the environment. But then john's mates won't make money off of you. What John failed to mention and all the novated lease companies hide is the interest rate on the lease. Yes, you don't pay gst, instead you pay an interest rate on the lease.

  6. Still does not help people like me, a working pensioner who would like to change to EV`s. We are becoming the group that will purchase these if they were affordable. Just saying.

  7. I reckon there should be a scheme that lets you pay off an EV per KM, for example you could get say an MG ZS EV for $0 upfront and pay 50c per Km for 100,000kms to end up Paying 50k overall and owing the car outright, EV’s are around 50c per Km cheaper to run so basically you’re paying it off with interest but only having the same expenses as before and without an upfront cost, and you only pay it off as fast as as often as you use your car and would have had those expenses anyway.

  8. Thanks for explaining what a novated lease is for your non Australia viewers. But did you have to plug the tesla? Now I'm going to have to work christmas day making crapy car parts for the increase demand you just made. lol

  9. So did I hear in this story that this Labor government and pocock have agreed to subsidise the buying of an EV by lowering the FBT? Just so an EV is cheaper. The FBT has been a ripoff for years. So change FBT when it suits I suppose. That discount should cover all vehicles dearest to the cheapest it’s our money not the governments. Also be very careful with a novated lease and salary sacrificing. It does not suit everyone. Check your numbers & costs.

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