1. Got to respect how Billy's Nova still has all steel up front… fenders, bumper, bumper brackets, stock lights, etc. Still has the essence of a real street car! Probably giving up 100 lbs right on the front end vs the hollowed out fiberglass shell on KC Max.

  2. You don't see those street punks at the track, they don't have balls to haul..But racing on the isn't cool, only for a fool…With their already made (PLASTIC ENGINE PARTS FACTORY)..Real racers built their own cars..

  3. Another awesome video cheri sorry I missed it but I didn't get off work till after 10 last night and right back at it today sucks I really wanted to meet yall there and see those bad ass races hopefully I can make it next time but thanks for the awesome videos like always

  4. Here for the racing but the lack of physical fitness in this video is frightening. It's really a direct reflection of the shape our country is in. Many won't survive tough times ahead.

  5. Did like YB in Grand prairie, haven't been down that track in about 8years, I seen you went to XRP also that a hell of a track
    Keep doing you,keep your dad in Mustang lol

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