ABANDONED and FORGOTTEN and LEFT FOR DEAD – Not A BARNFIND Briggs 125 OHV Bolen -Will It Mow Again?

After throwing every automotive YouTube catch phrase we could fit in the thumbnail and title of this video, we tried to get a couple more in the description but frankly lost interest in the whole concept, which is why you’re not reading any of them now.. Besides the point, tomorrow is April 1st and we have to focus on coming up with some sort of lame-O April fool’s video to please the Reptilian overloads who control us through the algorithms.
Be sure to Like, Comment, Share, Subscribe, Brush, Scratch and lift the toilet seat when you whiz. Ladies use the damned thing too.
#aprilfools #lawncare #briggs #rescue #mysteriousfacts #manvsmachine #treasurehunting
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  1. The best kind of yard tools, free. I have a fleet of 2 cycle Craftsman snow blowers that were all abandoned on the curb. They're monsters. They throw wet heavy snow 25 feet.

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