318 Mopar Takes On Boss 429 Ford – One Run Winner Take All Grudge Race

It’s been a long time in the making, but our grudge race against Andy from Unity Motorsports Garage and his truck Casper has finally gone down.
We met this last Saturday at Buffalo Valley Dragway, rolled the cars off their trailers and sent them. No testing, no tuning, no practice runs and the result was a race so close that another 10 feet would have completely changed the outcome.
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  1. That was awesome and so glad you did heads up for accuracy. Not exactly the outcome I had expected after seeing Casper make some pulls. But I also knew BR was faster than people were giving it credit for. No it's not fancy, high tech or even many new parts but that thing left hard and could be a lot of fun on the cheap. Which is what this channel is mostly about. Great job guys and gals and the best part is no sore losers. Tony do not try this race again you stole it at the hit buddy!!

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