1. I'm sorry but the guys who keep tapping the brake pedal going thru the traps are going to continue to because wall ornaments because they touched the brake pedal before allowing the car to pull on the chute …

  2. My god is there the commercials in the 1st 20mins 🙁
    Don’t know if it’s worth watching the whole video now …grrr!!!
    So by the time this video is over everyone will watch 25+ commercials b4 this video has ended – WTF.
    So Not Worth it !!!!

  3. Lamentável…
    Sou apaixonado pelas Arrancadas Norte Americanas assim como no mundo afora; mas desde o início da Prova, o 1°, 2° e 3° Carro, se chocaram no muro de proteção da pista da direita, foi o suficiente para à Organização rever o que podia está acontecendo. Mas não tomaram nenhuma iniciativa de rever a mesma pista até chegar o ponto de acontecer um incêndio que poderia ter causado a morte do Piloto.

    Em seguida a Pista da esquerda. A mesma começou apresentar avisos que nada estava bem!
    Mas mesmo assim à Organização continuou e prosseguiu com Evento. Penso por ser um grande país que é a referência em Arrancadas pelo mundo afora faltar com os princípios da Segurança.
    Também de imediato os socorristas demoraram muito para iniciarem o combate ao incêndio e pareciam estarem despreparados.

  4. Can somebody please tell those announcers who start screaming STAY BACK, STAY BACK to shut their pineapple holes already. If we are in the stands, trust me, we as fans understand. If I’m on the crew, you bet yer ass I’m NOT staying back…so please stop being like the dumbass media and trying to hype everything…carry on….

  5. 21:26 That's the best-flying Camaro I've ever seen.

    This is mostly 1/8th mile stuff. What happened to real drag racing?
    These guys are blowing their sh!t up in half the distance now. Are they really having fun?

  6. 1:46 – what good does it do to run out with a fire extinguisher in hand to the fire at the rear of the car if you don't know how to operate the extinguisher?
    You are better off not going out there and get in the way, and to give the fire extinguisher to someone that knows what they are doing.
    P.A.S.S. – it really isn't hard. Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the trigger, Sweep left-to-right

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