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Samuel Mical
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  1. I think it will be down to 4 drivers next season. And 3 of the cars will be screw blower. And If anyone is using nitrous they won't even be in the top 10. Unless they do something to what Ryan runs like add weight to only his cars he'll still be the favorite.

  2. Couldn’t agree more. Kye needed to change things up last year. And lizzy at some point is going to need to start her own program with her own team and her own $. Not “hired driver” as kye would say. Pat’s drama. He gets bout knocked out once every season but someone.

  3. Who cares none of them are real racers they even said in videos exposing the street outlaws none of Nola had any previous racing experience and why reaper spent years in prison an Shawn getting his house an shop shot up due to hanging with gangbangers they race under strict protocols on closed streets with rescue and fire department handy you don't see that shit in real street racing an they won't run any road their full of shit ill take anyone of them an race them on devil's backbone in a stock bmw and beat the fuck out them see how your pro mod drag strip cars handle

  4. Kai is a cry baby The way he treated Lizzie That's not right I have no respect for him no more I lost it all the way he treated her Letter cry didn't even talk to her He aint no man

  5. Kyes original shocker her bought and raced it as a blower car. So it may not be as big of a leap as we think. That Camaro was one of the baddest pro boost cars out there before kye bought it. Then he switched it to nitrous a year or so later.

  6. Before NPK and Street Outlaws the general public knew nothing of Pat Musi. We knew of Kye Kelley because of Street Outlaws and his encounter with Big Chief. We or I never knew what a Pat Musi was. Pat should be thankful to Kye. But he probably never will. He's PM daBoss . Count your blessings Pat and make sure you include MR KYE KELLEY!!!

  7. LIZZY helped Kye this year ALOT more than she and Pat hurt him. He had probably 6 free 1st round passes with points racing lizzy, when her car was being fixed…. Ryan never takes call-outs from ducks on his own team! If Kye came back and won somehow during the last two races against Ryan I could never respect the way he would have won it.. race like Ryan! Don't take callouts ever and you would be worthy of a championship period!!! The end!!

  8. I think this whole thing has been playing out for awhile now. If you all remember, Adam was tuning on both Kye and Lizzie’s cars and a few episodes ago, Lizzie had that new guy in her pits on the laptop while Adam was tuning for Kye. I think Kyes realizing finally, that there really isn’t any amount of weight breaks they could give nitrous combos that would make them consistently competitive especially with the rise of the screw blower combos. Now, it’s not only pro charged Hemi’s he has to contend with. This is the first season where the screw blowers have gotten near the top and Ryan isn’t the only pro charged car winning events as we saw Kayla with her new setup win twice. Over the last 2 seasons we have seen a bunch of die hard nitrous racers ditch that power adder and went pro charger or screw blower. Last season only 4 cars were still running nitrous. Kye, Lizzie, The Birds and Gates.Kye himself said multiple times that he had to basically blow up his engine to get around Ryan and a few others. Nitrous is a great power adder but, not for this style racing at this level.

  9. I just find it so hilarious that they get the rules changed from last year just because of all the whining from certain ones and we all know whom that is and than all the drama they have every year is even more hilarious and put a bounty on someone because u can’t beat them comical but hey if u can’t beat them don’t cray and whine to get rules changed if turbos blowers and everything else is that much faster than nitrous why would u keep running it when 70% has changed to something else but either way stop crying and whining

  10. I had to mute thus channel for 3 months because of spoilers. A bunch of us don't follow these guys too closely on social media so I'd rather not know the outcome ahead of time

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