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@Lou Renova

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  1. To be honest you guys were my favorite from the show. You guys were the gate keepers and kept the unworthy at bay. I know first hand how hard it is to compete with 5,000+lbs and horrible aero dynamics, the zaney skits you guys did was a nice break from the monotonous race after race after race, the show never really went in depth on any of the builds so fuck whoever didn't want yall there! You guys made that show complete.

  2. This is my opinion. But just from hearing everyone talk it seems like Chief was the problem. Now that he’s doing his own thing everyone seems happier and more open to the fact that they need to bring back some OGs. Plus Shawn is a way better “Race Master”

  3. They don’t have wallet it’s really simple , racings always been a battle of the Waller if you can’t buy a 100k long block your not running 3s , Cheif also doesn’t have the wallet

  4. You guys are the reason why I watched the show. Real street racing starting from a budget and modifying a sleeper. Love that you guys had fun and taking out super cars. I did a road trip to visit your guys store. Love your guys store! I bought some merch and was on my way. I was wondering why the show started to show less of you guys. I started to loose interest of the show b/c it was more drama and less brother hood.

  5. Don’t get me wrong street outlaws was my favorite shows because of drag racing period but it was nice to see regular cars that were built in the garage by these 2 guys that actually the people watching could afford to build farm truck azn and the mad scientist were the best to watch on that show in my opinion down to earth guys that competed against some of the best street racers in the world when you guys waxed that dude in the Porsche with a boat on the farm truck was awesome !

  6. I love all types of racing, But the Street Outlaw's were racing the each other over and over. It gets a bit BORING. Farmtruck and Azn are true street racers when fish'n for a race.

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