1. I ask for many years, why cars didnt have this? why we need use left foot and right hand to change gears???
    Even first cars have clutch lever on handle of gear stick 馃榾 why that step back??? 馃檨

  2. Great video,
    i think stepper motor or geared DC with a var linear Resistor controller,.
    Control over clutch, place it on the drive wheel, the speed of the geared motor will allow for full control up to 'dropping' clutch.
    I'd place value in trying to find a good quality linear resistor, ideally from an old cathode ray TV or old TV radio COMBO Set.

  3. If any German Manufacturer was given this task they would overcomplicate this even further and if it was Jap they would undercomplicate it further!

  4. Next extend rods of gearbox put some cylinders on them and make automatic gearbox or if not automatic make padle controled gearbox,… 馃檪 Just like Smart… So you can grab control and motors from Smart and put it to Lada.

  5. Allot of automatic lorries are in fact manual gearboxes that is robot controlled with? Air… And the brand called Man, a lorries manufacture had on the very high end models a comfort shift feature. The last 10-14 or was it 16 gears? Anyways the tall gears you where able to press in comfort shift to change gears without needing to use the clutch just as shown in the video here. BUT NOT THE LOW GEARS XD But then we got USA not using a clutch at all.. So? But yea this is not a new idea. Just a fun one.

    Something even worse. A auto gearbox that still have the driver needing to use the clutch to stop and start… So your going along and come to a stop sign or red light. You slow down, down, down and then stall out… You forgot that you had to use the clutch XD

    It was a way to transition from lorries being all manuals to auto boxes. Since the tech was new a clutch was necessary to please the drivers. And really when backing up with a trailer or in general just reversing to a loading dock the robot automatic gearbox WANT you to slam into something solid. Give even a tiny amount of gas to much and BANG you just reversed into the dock and maybe ruined something. Instead of gently touch as you should. Your trusting the robot to not mess up a hill reverse where the goal is to mesh gently with the loading dock. Like it has no idea what your trying to do and try and be helpful. Ending up looking like a fool ramming into stuff.

    But the clutch auto gearbox is :c The clutch should be optional and not out right removed. Anyways. Fun vid.

  6. I'd love to see a clutch where when you push it half way down the clutch disengages and the other half is for braking. Then release brake half way and neutral then other half released is clutch.

  7. I really love these Russians… They know what they're doing, everytime they're creating some really hilarious shit no-one ever thinks of even trying to do in the first place… i think this could really be my new favourite youtube channel <3

  8. Bro puedes hacer eso pero hacer un sistema que en la primera marcha sea muy suave y en la segunda media y para las 煤ltimas mas r谩pido y poner un sensor de neutral en frenos para que si frenas entre en modo de freno y se active el cloth conforme frenas , el freno en fondo es cloth abierto asi con el mismo freno separas la marcha del motor para frenar en cruseros sin clothar con la el bot贸n y en ese momento cuando el freno este al fondo poder mover la palanca a primera y oprimes el bot贸n del cloth y sueltas el freno porque en ning煤n momento estara activo el cloth , la regulaci贸n del freno cloth seria de cuando el freno empiece al 10% a abrir y como al 20 al 40 % abra el cloth y activar el cloth conforme dejas de pisar el freno eso si no esta pulsado el bot贸n del cloth y listo un autom谩tico estandar 2 en 1

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