Update vlog around the shop and we take the new foxbody “Goon”, Martha Stewart S550, and Cameron’s S550 to Street Car Takeover to run the small tire class.
Update vlog around the shop and we take the new foxbody “Goon”, Martha Stewart S550, and Cameron’s S550 to Street Car Takeover to run the small tire class.
Bro what kinda gas mileage you get with them tires on that dually?? 10 mpg??
Nice to see a glide on the channel
Oh shit trap running the GTR!
Good race Fernando.
Good vid man. Hire you a young kid to follow you around with a camera.
Wtf this dude with that pigeon
This video had me laughing my ass off. Good shit I like the energy you carry manny
Where do you buy the warehouse racks at been looking for wholesale prices
I’m a big fan
What track is that ? Need a new 1/4 with Houston raceway closed
this some of the funniest shit i swear.
Hell yeah !! Let’s get it Midnight Performance
Fernando is it?!! I’m dead fucking Fernando
My dream one day is to get a mustang 10R80 and go to midnight keep on making these vids love them ❤ MIDNIGHT FTMFW
Manuel, let me film a video for you for free for OTM. I can email your my work done. Ill do it vlog style too
I would put a godzilla in the fox with twin turbos like cleatus McFarland and smoke everything