1. The copper rod is legit. If the big end was a rainbow of colors then yeah rod bearing would be burned up. Especially if you're pounding the pistons with nitrous.

  2. Great to see ya all making head way on the ole dart can't wait to hear the new rowdy cam shaft she needs a good bit more cam to be able to level up and experience more with this power train I feel it's got a good bit more power in a safe manor to get more ets love ya all's content and Jeff is great and funny as hell as well

  3. Love the flip flop Convo. Just show you all are down to earth people. I already knew that as I've been following Kid and Dry Fire for a while but I think people are down for different. Love everyone in all the SRC, OMG, G2G channels. Good shit during messed up times in our country.

  4. Best thing to do is buy the valve springs ment for the cam. Who knows how long those springs have been in the engine and was it sitting with valves adjusted for a long time without being run. your old springs could wipeout a new cam in just the amount of break-in time 20 minutes or less.

  5. Good to see the 340 isn’t hurt too bad. I saw that coolant rushing out and thought Jeff would have a cow,I use to work with a tech that I swear you could lick the shop floor as soon as he pulled an engine.

  6. Teaching one how to use a steering wheel puller on a balancer that a first, yeah don’t think that will turn out well

  7. Please don’t run a hydraulic flat tappet and buy a spring gauge to test spring pressures with the rocker on Moroso makes a cheap one I have one great tool to have and good to know if there all close to the same

  8. Time for a rebuild for sure with all the metal that went through the engine and the rods getting discolored 🙁 that sucks cuz it was a newer build already..

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