1. At least the car is still able to be raced and not totaled like last year. Glad he was able to keep it from spinning out and really tearing it up.

  2. Too much of a Hurry to get back into it without Testing and tuning. You have got to take the time to get to know what the car and driver will do!!! If you play this game you need to go into it knowing how things work otherwise you will pay the price…

  3. Are you sure he hit the wall. I’ve seen a few videos seems like he may have barely got away with touching it
    Edit: after watching Cj’s video he kissed the wall but only thing that made contact is the bead locks on the rear.

  4. You can t blame the track. They run wheelie cars down that track. Just glad CJ can still race another day) all in all was a good weekend of racing. Hope you all come back next year )

  5. My heart goes out to CJ and his family. Looks like it was more of a rub than a hard hit. Hopefully not too much damage on Raggedy Ann 2.0.

  6. Just good to see he made there with new car,and Bill Hoskinsons,cant say enough for him,Vickie,sons and friends,there in it to win it but willing to help the competition and spectators.Good family and wow did billy save it and tommy almost got the upset.

  7. Remember when CJ wrecked last year and Bill was going through his carb full of dirt,and then bingo he makes a call and per engine spects he gets a new badass carb for CJ,for those that dont follow OLD MANS GARAGE or SRC ,GEN@GARAGE on y-tube these folks help out the race community and buisness owners have great relationships with them.

  8. CJ's been working so hard to get back.. And this damn track seems to have his number.. Hopefully, he dosen't get spooked by by this incident and comes back stronger than ever.

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