You are going to get it right here soon I know it’s not my money and it’s easy for me to say I would keep going until I get it right or go broke. I have been watching all the big tire outlaw stuff just to see you run. I am pull for you and the team every week so good luck and stay safe and take the time to tell Stacy how great of a partner she is I think she keeps you going.
New subscriber, you had me at “it makes my nipples hard”. Where else are you going to get that content, you’re never going to hear Jeff Lutz or Ryan Martin talking about their nipples.
maybe you could get some help from Jeff Lutz as he still runs a turbo set up and was doing well last season , or swallow some pride and go around to Midwest Street Cars for some help to make a good full pass . it would be great to see you running well with the main people
I would love to have a good motor home that would pull a little smaller trailer with my daily driver truck and my motorcycle and a deasl on board generator and Enough solar panels and system to run everything with out pluging in because I’m ready to get out of Indiana and see America and enjoy life being disabled and broke and stuck at a rental house is not living when you don’t have any money after your rent utilities and food are paid it’s making me sick because it’s just wrong because the dam democrats are fucking poor people over and its nothing to do with color or racial its all about money and power and anyone who has a little bit of brains knows that is the truth.
Sucks the screw that probably fell out of the crappy designed wheelwell is probably in the tire. I hate rv's. There nothing but rolling piles of junk. I feel for yall dealing with that along with all the traveling stuff like that only makes the trip that much longer.
Hell least I got a shirt this year didn’t get to meet you got to meet your nice wife got to see your car but you were too busy I guess maybe next year!!!
Thanks for the update it's sound like you getting a handle on it
Fuck the haters. Thankyou for the video. Hope you don't have any more problems.
It's all about wheel speed
You are going to get it right here soon I know it’s not my money and it’s easy for me to say I would keep going until I get it right or go broke. I have been watching all the big tire outlaw stuff just to see you run. I am pull for you and the team every week so good luck and stay safe and take the time to tell Stacy how great of a partner she is I think she keeps you going.
New subscriber, you had me at “it makes my nipples hard”. Where else are you going to get that content, you’re never going to hear Jeff Lutz or Ryan Martin talking about their nipples.
Everything new nowadays are crap and cheaply built and priced liked it gold
Reaper seems to be a completely different person since the surgery like way more relaxed
maybe you could get some help from Jeff Lutz as he still runs a turbo set up and was doing well last season , or swallow some pride and go around to Midwest Street Cars for some help to make a good full pass . it would be great to see you running well with the main people
I love your Harley CVO SCREAMING EAGLE!!!
Fans want to see more of Stacy
TRY Alien tape ive used gorilla and The alien tape is the best honesty.
Bro just go back to nitrous. Turbos and prochargers are way to much for you to handle…
I would love to have a good motor home that would pull a little smaller trailer with my daily driver truck and my motorcycle and a deasl on board generator and Enough solar panels and system to run everything with out pluging in because I’m ready to get out of Indiana and see America and enjoy life being disabled and broke and stuck at a rental house is not living when you don’t have any money after your rent utilities and food are paid it’s making me sick because it’s just wrong because the dam democrats are fucking poor people over and its nothing to do with color or racial its all about money and power and anyone who has a little bit of brains knows that is the truth.
You should of stayed procharger every time you get something figured out you switch to something else then turbos are way harder to figure out
Sucks the screw that probably fell out of the crappy designed wheelwell is probably in the tire. I hate rv's. There nothing but rolling piles of junk. I feel for yall dealing with that along with all the traveling stuff like that only makes the trip that much longer.
Good luck brother you will get the car right less goo
Had a great time meeting you two!! Safe travels!
Hell least I got a shirt this year didn’t get to meet you got to meet your nice wife got to see your car but you were too busy I guess maybe next year!!!
I only been trying for two years next year will be three maybe that’ll be the charm
I could care less about any of the other racers out there other than you farm truck and Asian sell really would like to meet you bro!!!!??
When I think I'm having a bad day I just turn this retard on and can't stop myself from smiling just watching him LMAO
You say you never make excuses but sounds like that's what you're doing
Good luck