This time we are at National Trail Raceway in Ohio for another filming of “Locals Only” a new show we are hosting for Discovery Channel!
We tour the track and talk to the track owner of the history and future of the track.

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@Lou Renova

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  1. It's great you guys are going above and beyond the famous filming and going back to more of the roots style and showing behind the scenes and love the fact ya all are also doing the small tire shootout street car class it's awesome for the guys who aren't able to have the big time vehicles I feel this is most competitive action of all and the funnest as well its where it started but power adders it's great keep up the awesome amazing footage and also love the fact ya all are contacting locals to help build the class for each location ya all's re racing at next that's the best of all

  2. The biggest thing I miss after moving out of OKC is being a "member" of the 405. It was always cool occasionally seeing one of you guys around town.

    I will say that that guy Farmtruck swapped hats with looked good in it. It's like Farmtrucks hat makes you better looking. I gotta get one lol.

    Anywho, I may not live in the 405 anymore but I'm always team 405! Any chance you two are going to build a new car and compete in NPK, "The Original List" and "America's List"? You guys have the driving talent, you need the car/s!

  3. Another buyout offer… look… "they" are going to put a stop to gasoline "everything" by 2030, that's the plan! Everything after that will revolve around "Carbon Credits"! If you don't have enough "Carbon Credits" to cover what you want to do, well then you'll just be shit outta luck or have to purchase more "Carbon Credits" to do what you want to do!! Do you think us "little people" will be able to own any "Carbon Credits"? Hell nah!!… that'll be for the "elite" and the "owners" of this planet, not for you and I!

    P.S. "life changing money"? ROFLMFAO!!!! It always cracks me up listening to people who have millions of dollars talking about "life changing money"!! ha ha ha Come live my life for awhile, and you will realize, you already live a changed life!!! But hey, whatever floats your boat!!

    P.P.S. …and STOP selling off all of our farmland goddamn it!!! America needs it's farmland WAY more than it needs dragstrips (and I love drag racing!!)!!! With the coming food shortages, and Gill Bates buying up 90% of the farmland around here for his f'ing solar BS to control the power grids, we're going to be absolutely *(&^%$!!! People!!!!…. some things are more important than "life changing money"!!… like the future of your country and your family!!!

  4. Yeah,….pulling under the tower to enter the track is quite the experience. I imagine its similar to walking into The Colosseum in Rome as a gladiator. Ok,….that maybe a stretch. But very cool nonetheless.

  5. I got the same problem with my pointer finger. I cut my tendon and they did a surgery to fix it and I had to wear a splint and now it's curved just like the split was. I can make a fist but can't open my finger straight out so yea work the tendon and don't put it in a brace

  6. listening to the owner and automatically thinking of how Cleetus does it managing the track AND racing and all the other stuff he does on top of it

  7. Love that track. I'm not a racer unfortunately, but loved going to it when I younger… I did get to drive down the right lane once in a S10 Blaser not much horsepower but 9000 watts of stereo….

  8. My hands were sprained a few months back, they didn't want to heal. My mom had an electro shock little 10 dollar thing, it worked! Seriously. I'm not lying

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