Well, it’s been a long uphill battle, but I’m ready to head south. But the kids? Not so much.

We managed to put Mark’s 55 back together, get all our trailers fixed, my Malibu road ready, Billy’s Blue Nova ready, my Duramax ready…

But are we really ready?

We’re about to find out!!!



  1. 21:39 those emission systems are garbage we thought with a brand new the systems will freeze up the ones we use for the cummins powered fire trucks have circulation heat tubes, and they constantly gave problems. In most cases they were unhooked, basically decommissioning that entire system, but leaving it in place the fire trucks regen on their own, which was a pain in the ass because you can’t operate them while it’s in that mode so we added circuits and switches to deactivate the re-GEN system by putting your foot on the break and you’re right you can call it take piss. It’s literally just ammonia and some other crap that isn’t even needed. It’s just there to look good and we all know these region systems actually do more polluting what they do is inject the ammonia concentrate with diesel fuel at a high temperature and that’s the reason for the high idle for anyone who didn’t know. The snow that we got down here in south Louisiana was awesome. We just have a bunch of dip shits that don’t know how to drive and the state and parish that couldn’t clear a road to save their life. Everybody panicked like a bunch of dumbasses.

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