Picking up my 1969 Camaro from the shop… my guy Casey fixed all the issues and got her sittin and running mega stout…
More to come from him once more parts come in
Stay tune for the footage… you know we got foolie
Follow me on instagram at KOOLIEBKOOLIN
looking good.
Ls swap that mufucka
Yo that Truckn serious lmk I got you
Pulling gas I work for a company but I talk to a couple owner ops pulling gas they doing iight better then freight right now
You and yo brother sound just alike
put your damn seat belt on so your lil boy still has a daddy if you get in a car accident.. cmon man
Like that ol’ school snarl when he revved that motor at 16:17.
#GrindNeverstops #koolieGang #32Gangent #Healthiswealth
Trucking is dead
Okay I see you my guy ,now that what I am talking about getting to the meat an greens.
Yes sir so when the first race?
Yeah he got the stance right on on that
And that was actually free game for a lot of people that didn't realize when he was talking about the initial timing and how high it is. Because that's where supposed to be at for that motor That's how you get those conventional small blocks to run like they do and having a right converter and gears to help too which we know this car has
Im switching companies now i heard them Russians out in Illinois pay good im bout to be driving for them next Monday
Yep rates is low and I'm flatbed
Tried to hit u on IG if u need some help with the trucking but congratulations on getting the car together
I love to race u just for fun but I kno most likely I’ll lose
Yeah I’m in the flatbed world and it’s garbage right now.