1. i hope you check youre alignment….front wheels were pointing away from each other like they were fighting….or is your camera making them look worse than they are?

  2. Good for Kyle making his own name with that SBF. In the real world, that's closer to what most of us can afford. Judging by the fact that he had to correct you several times as to what's in it. That's 100% his build. Impressive kid.

  3. Maybe batmowheels work good on a low pressure gas application but on the diesels every 75mm batmo I ran lost 30-50hp versus the factory borg wheel.

  4. Napkin math, making ~600HP at 5psi, Kyle's SN should be ~500HP NA, ~1000HP at 15psi? Really dig that car, I was born in '88 so I'm into SNs, they look great on bigs & littles!
    Pretty cool seeing a good ol' 8.200 deck getting it done, when everyone is running the 9.500 stuff these days. But, I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't hate it if this thing got a SME 7.3l Godzilla in the future LOL.
    ('SMG' billet Godzilla? That 4.530 bore spacing & 9.650 deck height sure looks nice for a small block LOL)

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