The Ugly Truth About Your Engines Oil Filter – It Will Let You Down When You Really Need It The Most

Everybody knows that clean, filtered oil is essential to the long healthy life of an internal combustion engine. The manufacturers cite the quality and construction of their media as the mark of a good filter, and to an extent that is true
But, what is never talked about is how that filtration only happens during the mildest of circumstances, and that the majority of the time your engine is running, some if not all of the oil entering the engine is actually diverted around the filter element completely.
Here’s how this works, and what you need to know, especially if you’re dealing with a high performance or race engine.
You won’t like it.
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  1. @Uncle Tony I know you know this, but you forgot to mention WHY there's a low pressure bypass in oil filters. For those who don't know though: that bypass system actually NEEDS to be there because above a certain PSI, the oil can't flow through the microscopic holes in the filter media fast enough, so they put a pre-determined PSI bypass in there to keep the oil pump's pressure from blowing out the filter media. It's not an ideal filter design, but without making the oil filter much, much larger to accommodate 40-60+ PSI of oil filtering capability, they put in an oil pressure bypass instead. Sadly, it's just a necessary byproduct of such a small screw-on filter design.

  2. I'm now glad my cheby runs 5 to 30 when hot with 10 40 & STP. Multiple non performance high mileage trucks, 5.7, 4.3, 360, 318, and 460 all the same way, never died because of it. Problem just solved itself, 3 decades of unnecessary worry for nothing. Watch out though, some of the filters have lost quality and don't keep oil hanging around for starts with a check valve I've been led to believe.Van tapped like a bandit with Wally world filters on start when others do not? Sure a mechanic will know the reason other than my shits like throwing a hot dog down the hallway.

  3. I like tony but he is very wrong in this video. The bearing clearances and such are what makes the pressure. The filter is before the bearings so pressure will be the same on both sides of the filter unless the filter is plugged up or you are running thick cold oil and racing . The bypass will open if tre pressure differential on both sides of the filter is 12 psi or so or more. Most filters have 8-12 psi bypass valves. Just because you may have 40-50 psi does not mean that the bypass is open.

  4. This makes no sense. This isn't 1960 where hot oil and lose tolerances make for 15lb oil psi at idle. Pretty much all cars from the 90s on average around 30 to 40 lbs. You rarely see them down below 20lbs.
    An oberg filter is used to protect the extremely expensive dry sump system. If those lines get contaminated with metal, you have to replace the entire system. I've never seen an oberg filter on a wet sump system. I've seen adapter systems that allow you to run a huge racing filter on wet sumps but not oberg filters.

  5. I wonder if you would be more effective just running no filter running magnets and a pan with a removable sump you could just clean out every oil change?

  6. New info for me, always thought the bypass was only for "plugged up media". Ok so the ultimate system would be a non bypassing metal screen type filter for the big stuff. But on top of that you would need "full by pass"(very tight filtering media) type of oil filter to filter out all the small stuff during normal driving.

  7. Thanks for making us think about this. You have some good points but, engine oil pressure is normally determined by bearing clearances. Having back pressure at the bearings will minimize the differential pressure across the filter element. Even at 60 psi oil pressure the filter element may only have 0-10 psi differential.

    The large spring would not be compressed in most situations due to the pressure being equal within the oil filter shell.

    The small bypass on the bottom of the cartridge would open due to excessive differential pressure from a plugged oil filter.

    Also, don’t forget the oil filter adapter may also have an integral differential pressure bypass. SBC adapters do. Many plug them off to avoid unfiltered oil when cold. …Not sure that works as well as some would assume either.

  8. The oil filter is designed for average person use, such as taking the kid's to school, shopping, not rally, drag, or track racing, thanks for sharing, all the best to yous and your loved ones

  9. My engine produces about 75 PSI at operating temperature and I always cut open the filter it must be doing something because there's always small bits of silicone and other little metallic particles in the media

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