

  1. It ain’t got shit to do with staging a car unless it comes to the driver and knowing the rules and hearing them in the drivers meeting. It’s funny a lot in these street races it cool when the one next to you F’s and you get the win because of it but when it’s one the other side totally different ball game!!!

  2. Jimmy F ing Dale!
    Loved the video, having a blast getting to know what you are all about and I laugh every time I check out your videos. That stand by me cut was hilarious. I’m also really enjoying watching you on street outlaws… anything you can tell us about that experience would be much appreciated like:who was cool , who was fake , who surprised you etc. sure didn’t seem like lil pony was a street car to me . Also love your Odom edit : truth . Keep ‘em coming buddy and come on people buy a dam shirt or at least a lil wing !

    JIMMY on the feed with limpy i just wanna address the YANKY comment at no point did i no or was it a smartass comment or meant to disrespect you or anyone im a bit confused as to why a name that's as all AUSSIE'S we have grown up ONLY know that from a little kid in australia its always been the yanks v aussies can i ask WHY also my parent come from the UK and from the civil war it was the pom's and the YANKS so please educate us or me as to why its taken in a bad light thanks buddy love ya banter and i just wanna to apologize and i meant no disrespect at all thx PS my grandad was born in boston usa and growing we always call that side of the family the crazy yanks lol i forgot that lol true story cheeeerz

  4. Uncle Jimmy, I don't what to think of those zilla Ford deals like yeah they're big block cube but man they package well, almost small block size. Dang they get it too when you hit em on the head a bit.

  5. Hay Jimmy boy listen your channel is good i got to see you on billy s(SRC) channel the old man is a rip i am from long island new york i use to have a super pro car back in the days ran goo 9.90 nat aspirated 80 camaro sucks they closed all the tracks i am an old fart anyhow but i was so pissed on the tv show when sean was breaking your balls about stagging you was doing nothing wrong friggin sean is probably the biggest complainer of them all please keep up the content and don't forget about your woman if you have a woman that is ride or die bye your side brother you got it all peace and kindness love you kids..mombo out…

  6. Jimmy(good Scottish name also my name)or Tommy,tam whatever,at first thought u were a bit of a dick but my first impressions were wrong,Ur a cunt,a good cuntt,enjoying Ur vids,keep it up m8,new Scottish fan.gie it lalldy bigman

  7. This guy can’t speak with out talking about old man’s garage boy you must have given him a happy ending when you shared the room with him in Louisiana

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