1. It may feel more comfortable if you throw another linkage in line to the reverse lever on the jet boat. Lever back for reverse, front for go time is more natural. I don't know how far you want to go with it but you could also get a setup where there is friction and click locations to feel where you are on the throw.

  2. I's suggest running a couple of beads on the door frame edge, so the catch has something positive to catch on if it 'walks' from door and body flexing during the run.
    Just takes a couple of minutes, including paint touch-up, to make sure it's secure.

  3. Like it has been noted, I thing you need the hoops that POSITIVELY secure the top of the doors. That door is going to flex more than you think.

  4. I hate to say it but that 1 1/2 in that hook to come off won’t take much with all the vibration and when plus plexiglass flexing will be a big part of it. Not being that guy just putting a thought in there lol

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