THE CRAZIEST END TO NPK – No Prep News Episode 159

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  1. To me, and I’ve said this since they announced the points and how they were going to be awarded , the last 3 races are the SAME points wise as FIVE races. Let me preface this by saying that I’m not necessarily a aRyan “ fan” even though I DO root for the 405 in general and Ryan specifically depending on who he’s racing.

    First off, imho if somehow tonight ends up with Kye actually beating Ryan in a race off, his title will always have an asterisk next it for ME. My problem is, in spite of Ryan’s recent struggles, he’s far and away had the best overall season of anyone including Kye. He has 5 points wins in the invitational ( 6 wins counting the first race that was a non points race ) he has won 8 of the 15 great 8 races along with 2 runner ups, his win rate is FAR better than Kyes , ( Ryan has won over 80% of his races overall while Kye has won 65% of his races ) so, there’s little doubt in my mind that Ryan is more deserving of THIS title than he was even with last season. Point being , that even though he changed combos from a 481X twin turbo to a pro charged Hemi AFTER he won a title with TT combo, given that this season they saddled him and all of the other pro charged racers with significantly more weight along with other restrictions, I.e tire size lock up converters etc.less than a MONTH before the season started, Ryan and his great crew decided to stick with it!

    Meanwhile, over at team Musi, all they had to do was get rid of some weight and keep Pat Musi’s team of truck drivers in a constant rotation from his engine shop in North Carolina to keep them supplied in pistons and 959 5.0 bore space nitrous engines bc every time a Kye or Lizzy lined up with Ryan or many of the blower cars, they basically had to blow them up to win!

    With the rules committee totally favoring a combo that’s simply NOT competitive in THIS type and style of racing, a combo that now only has a TOTAL of 4 racers using it, what SHOULD happen are rules that reflect the know how and technological advancements in door car racing and NOT setting rules that allow one antiquated combo ridiculous advantages! Upgrade or move on is what I say.

    Just look at all of the OG nitrous racers who’ve had to spend tons of money to upgrade their combos to try to be competitive all the while they’velet the Musi racers do whatever they want bc they basically have an engine sponsor with a couple of trailers full of 80’000 dollar nitrous motors they can blow up every single pass! You’ve got Doc. Dave, Monza, even B Rad ditching nitrous motors simply bc of the cost of running a nitrous combo in this style of racing!

    Then you have the “ controversy “ about Ryan’s pro charger he ran this season. Now, most of the whining and bitching that I’ve personally heard about Ryan’s pro charger has largely came from team big money, Jim Howe and John Odom. They complain about how the over drive rules for blower cars should be increased from 98% OD to as high as 120%. That’s nearly as ridiculous as the committee shaving ANOTHER 150 lbs off the nitrous combos! What you have to ask yourselves is this. First, WHY did so many drivers switch to screw blowers and ditch the power adders that MANY had been using for years and years?? Well, imo , they switched bc they saw this seasons rules package and thought they would gain an advantage by switching to a screw or, roots blower. That’s it in a nutshell folks! They thought that the latest rules package would give them the edge that they needed in order to WIN MORE RACES !! Plain and simple! I can guarantee all of you that NONE of those guys or ladies woke up one morning and said to themselves “ I think I’ll cut a big ass hole in my hood so I can stick a big ugly blower out of the top “!! No, if they switched combos, they had a big reason to do it period. !

    One last thing, back to Odom motorsports ! I never heard any other team or driver complain so much about pro chargers and/or “ parity “ as much as I did with from Odom and Jim Howe , Jim especially. Seemed to me that once Jim had a legit millionaire funding his “ team” that suddenly he’s out there trash talking other drivers AND the fans! He calls us “ trolls” or worse yet.”Haters “! Maybe he’s forgotten who actually supports this series along with the merch sales and the TV ratings that allow HIM and every other racer to have a nice sized check to be deposited into their bank accounts every couple of weeks!!! Hell, I remember Jim on various SO shows over the years including his stint as a “ co captain “ for Team Kentucky way back in season one of Fastest in America! He came off as a very very humble great guy! That opinion swiftly changed over time, it became as cut throat as most of the other SO “ franchise “ shows and now, it seems that aJim has fallen for it hook line and sinker!

  2. if it comes to a race off and they race tonight ryan martin has the advantage because kye is going to run his car to hell if kye don't break his car then he may have the advantage by data but in a race off martin hadn just ran 4-5 races so his car should be fresher

  3. Spoiler Alert!!!!!! Ryan went out first round against Jim Howe leaving the Championship open for Kye but then Jim took out Kye second round. Ryan Martin season 5 NPK Champion!!!! Pro charger cars will be getting another 100 lbs next year.

    Ryan Martin and Gray Fireball didn’t beat Justin Shearer and the Crow. I am telling you guys, something is up..Discovery and Pilgrim MUST be talking to Chief. I know, he may never come back, but I cannot believe he is willing to sit on a shelf and let YEARS go by while team 405 has 6 mediocre cars and one fast Camaro.. all the while, the Crow runs “out in the woods” in obscurity.

  5. Awesome season for Ryan Martin, with a huge target on his back, a bounty to who ever knocks him out, it is a phenomenal feat that Ryan won his 3rd straight NPK championship. He is the Michael Jordan of NPK racing!!!

  6. For those that have a problem with Ryan winning 3x and believe this whole show is scripted… exactly what does that say about the other 30+ racers you’re saying purposely took a dive?
    That entire supposition is not only intellectually deficient, it’s an insult to all of the other racers.
    Until someone can beat him as consistently as he’s beaten everyone else Ryan’s the man…period end of discussion.

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