The Black Ghost Challenger Hoax And A New Angle On The Story

Our video on this million dollar Mopar got around pretty quickly and generated a ton of comments, many of which questioned our ethics and qualifications to speak on this car, it’s history, performance and ultimately true value
We address those issues, and also introduce a new angle to the story as brought to our attention by an old friend and noted authority on all things Chrysler from a historical perspective.
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  1. You started to, but ultimately didn't give what you think the current intrinsic value of it is (sans the BS narrative of course).
    Forgetting fools and their money being easily parted, I'm still interested to know what your estimate is UT, $125k, $150k, $175k, $200k – heck $250k, $350k or +$500k?

    I'll have a guess, One+ owner Black Hemi good condition (7/10) on the survivor car scale, numbers matching 4sp car in need of a full resto, I reckon ~ $350k. Spend $150k on it to over-restore it as is expected these days then it's worth $500k meaning there's no money in it until you so you need to attach a great big lie to not have to spend $150k on the resto and get 3x the thing's unrestored value.

    One thing's for sure, the goose that bought it before attending the auction must've looked up 'Gullible' in the dictionary only to find it wasn't there LOL.

  2. Tony the black ghost is definitely a made up story on what would probably be very rare car with the options it came with. The reason I know this mind I was not around in 1970 I did no happen until 1977. But I read a lot of HOTROD magazine from 1986 and never stopped. Anyway HOTROD did a story of the Woodward Avenue glory days and there was three cars that ruled in that time Ford had the Mustang 2 with Jack Roush I can not remember the names of the other two gentleman but one drove a 1955 Bel-Air with a big block Chevy and the other was a Challenger that did have a Hemi engine but a Lenco transmission all three cars were fast but not one of them was stock and no you are not a racist this is coming from an American born of Mexican heritage keep up the great work love the chanel and content.

  3. Tony the kings of Woodward Avenue were Joe Ruggirrllo in his 1975 Mustang 2. Steve Lisk in his 1971 Challenger Hemi and a Lenco transmission. And last but not least Jimmy Addison's 1967 Plymouth Belvedere. The Mustang and the Challenger were both 9 second cars if that now world famous black ghost Challenger would have ran into any of the three cars it stood no chance those three were way ahead of the curb prostock cars running in the streets of Detroit man I wish I was alive then.

  4. Nitro Nellie goins. Man I remember hearing about her years ago. I’m not old enough to have watched her race. I did have the chance to see Shirley muldownie race in the 90 at English town. Such a shame they tore it doen

  5. Racist? Today’s video is how I found out the guy was black. Not that this makes any difference.

    If you were racist I may of found that out in the first Black Ghost video.

  6. Omg, of course…let's throw out the good Ole race card. Nobody gives a flying f$%k what color someone's skin is, it's 2023 not 1923. People that bring that crap up are the real racists.

  7. You could have presented your story, without knowing that anyone involved with the car was black, and , in today's America, you would have still been called a racist

  8. the general public was duped just like Russia gate and 45. but you just have to feel sorry for the dumb ass who won the car at the auction.

  9. Some legends only exist within a family or a small circle of friends. These people admire the thing and embelish. Thet do this until all that you have are miths and tall tales. The only thing that will make this car worth the money might be a movie deal. And that could still happen, It is a great story. Even if that is all that it is. A neat car and a bunch of tall tales where the provinance should be.

  10. The sheer amount of publicity this car has gotten is beyond belief. There has to be a hundred videos on Youtube about this car. Bunch of made up lore and no one outside of the family and their friends can verify the "legend". Yet the depth of coverage from manufacturers, auction houses, etc. only to pump up the value of an unrestored daily driver condition car. Crazy Talk.

  11. its not a racist thing calling BS on a bone stock Hemi Challenger running the streets of Detroit. take it from me, im from Detroit and im a 3rd generation street racer, that car was not a known or feared car on the streets back then. there were several famous, and feared Hemi street raced cars from the 70s and into the 80's. Godfrey Qualls is a veteran, and a war hero, his story is great, his car is very rare and very cool, but the street racing story is embellished. was is street raced yes, was it a known and feared car in the tri-county area? no. period.

  12. Back in those days you had Ram Air Pontiacs, GS 455 Buicks, Big Block SS Chevelles, Novas, Vettes, Camaros, Boss Fords heck the list goes on and on. They were quick for the day but the best in stock form ran high 13's low 14's. Everyone from the era knows this or just watch some YouTubes that actually show these cars at the strip.

    Has far as the HEMI it was a beast and those blocks were the platform for early funny cars but IMHO the 440 with a good tune and traction could take on any stock Hemi. Ask me how I know (rhetorical, please don't ask lol).

  13. Ahh Englishtown. Bringing back memories of my youth. I remember asking the crew from Car Craft it they would feature my 440 Roadrunner. My hot girlfriend was even willing to model on it in sexy poses. They rejected it because the 6 pack hood was in gray primer. But the rest of the car was red and nearly mint. The Mopar nationals weekend. I miss those days.

  14. UTG. I am a black Guy ( African American) and I have been on this story from the beginning and your story also and NEVER got any hint of racism in your story at all. Racism is not part of this story but if he really did get a mil for that car ( Black Ghost) more power to him. Just hope the auction is not a bogus thing. Keep reporting this sounds like a heck of promotion for the documentary Dodge is in on it to sale there new black ghost car

  15. Woke assholes always pull the race card. Tgat aside If you mention the mud bros then you had to come race on 1st Ave in Brooklyn. At any rate , like I said in your previous vid, Hemi cars were pigs ren 14:30 et. They were dogs. 396/375 ate them for lunch

  16. I personally talked with Godfrey's daughter in law for about 15 minutes at the autorama this past February 2023 inquiring why the future sale. Very polite woman, she explained why.

  17. My old 69 Charger ran 13.04 @ 104 on slicks.
    4080 lb with me in it.
    440+6 Carlsbad race way back on 1988 at about sea-level.
    At Sacramento race way on DOT tires 13.23, 101.
    The Ghost is a myth imo.

  18. True story.

    At the start of the movie "delta force" when chuck norris races his bike to the plane to meet up with his crew he originally used the black ghost challenger but he arrived before they called him.

  19. Tony, the only racial part of this story has to do with the area that this supposedly took place. Detroit was a highly segregated city at the time. 1970 was only three years after the 67 Riot. 8 mile was and is the division line between the city and the suburbs. Guys didn’t cross it to stop light drag race. The rich kid in the Vette wasn’t going to the city late at night. GQ wasn’t headed to Birmingham to look for a race.

  20. We also talk like this legend has passed away. It’s a car. It’s not Roy Hobbs. It should run as fast today as it did in 1970. Go run it hard like Qualls did and see for sure. But that might reveal too much

  21. Idk, i tend to believe the black ghost story, how do we know it wasnt a supernatural deal like that car in christine, you saw what it did to that built 67 camaro

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