THE BIGGEST SHOCK IN NPK – No Prep News Episode 189

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  1. Everyone is counting out DADDY DAVE he will win the INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP just look at what dave did with a car built for the streets with a older proline MH5 HEMI and missing 2-3 race's STILL FINISHING 10 IN POINTS

  2. Told you already. THE PERCENTAGES WE SEE FOR VOTES IS RESET DAILY. We can not see the actual total accumulated vote percentages. Says it right on the voting page.

  3. You need to see who will be the forty cars/drivers in the draft and rank them. That would be better than a mock draft since we have no idea who is picking first (unlike football)

  4. I think Lutz has the biggest advantage heading into the 1st race because he doesn't have to change anything except take away weight. Everyone is commenting about the tire size but I think the biggest rule change to me is that after every 3 races they can change the rules

  5. Friday will be awesome seeing them pick teams to start of NpK season 6. Fans are ready to see who’s picking who and how the season will start off and how it teams will change after 3 events

  6. IMO I don’t think Jim Howe will have huge season . This whole team thing is going make few people fans think is going dominate struggle. With the teams we might only see 1-2 drivers race from each team each event. Then next event next 1-2 drivers race bracket style similar to how Fastest in America was this past season

  7. Wouldn’t be surprised if they made Ryan pick last in first Rd of picking teams lol. Could certain combos stick together. Blower cars picking other racers running blower, Procharger Hemi sticking together it’s going be interesting to see the teams pick. I’m definitely there Friday and Saturday since it’s local another great video

  8. Jim howe or Jeff Lutz will be drafted first…. followed by roberts, kayla, and odom for his connection with Howe… these are of course not including the captains or lizzy or Dave who will won the final captain spot.

  9. Dave is really REALLY taking this season seriously he's finally built a car and got a great team around him like a pro mod national champion and season championship in EXTREME RACING Dave has went all OUT putting the BEST TEAM AROUND HIM & CAR don't sleep on dave

  10. Hey slim. The real question is. Guys that are teamed up like Jim and john. Jim tunes both cars. If they get split up. Where does thar leave John? Who's gonna tune his car?

  11. Jim Howe has a LDR championship and has bracket raced with his family for a long time. It took some time last year to get the GTR and the Camaro dialed in. I think this season of NPK is going the best one to date.

  12. I think Jim Howe will be a force cause he is consistant and he has been doing a lot of testing . He was testing while the group was in Austraila. I would have put him 1 or 2 but I think him and some of the other screw blowers guys are come out strong and the powers that be are gonna say they have an advantage and change something that will hurt them. TTVE

  13. At this point, almost any given car can win any given race (top 20 cars anyway). The difference is the driver, the tuner, and their overall program. That is what has kept Ryan on top. You can't buy it, all others can try to do is replicate it.

  14. In no order here are my top 5
    Ryan Martin
    Justin Swanstrom
    Jeff Lutz
    Jim Howe
    Kye Kelly
    Wildcards to make the top 5
    Kayla Morton
    Daddy Dave
    Jerry Bird

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