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  1. We paid 450 for 2 adults and a 1 child for the friday sesh at sydney. Its definitely on the pricey side but was totally worth meeting our favourite drivers getting pics and signing merch.
    The drivers meetings were long and boring and the negotiations were shit.

  2. The streetcars just wasn't as exciting to watch on the track as their nkp cars are , maybe if they all were on a outlaw 10.5 tire and turned up would've been much more funner to watch , a 275 on an unprepped surface with 1/3 of the horsepower in back half cars just don't hav the punch, I know it was all explained but that still didn't help with any wow factor , screaming monsters yes , screaming babies no , I hope discovery understands if it doesn't do well this time around , screaming monsters will always command attention and people will always watch

  3. It seems like ever since your boy “Big Chief” walked away, quit or whatever his deal was! You are always finding something Negative/Bad to say about the newer shows that doesn’t involve him(Chief). NPK is mainly Positive besides the whole Monza Deal and you announcing the OG 405 Show being Canceled. Because someone DM you on FB that Monza was selling a trailer or something! (187 Custom’s Disputes) The OG 405 show, Fastest In America and Mega Cash Days. You slammed Shawn “Murder Nova” for being Race Master and also Boosted GT for trying to fill the void left behind. I’m not including any of JJ’s race master shows . JJ tries to pull a Con on ever other team but Memphis. As far as TV Ratings. My family/household was chosen to be one of the Neilsen Tv Ratings Testers. We had a Neilsen Box hooked up to ever tv in the household-streaming device, blue ray player Xbox, PlayStation etc. in my Condo a few years back. But where ever your getting your ratings information from isn't 100% correct. Probably closer to 65% correct with a 35% margin of error. If ratings were the case Zak Began’s Ghost Adventures show would have been canceled year's ago. We live in a World of mostly Negative people. Be a part of the solution and not apart of the problem! Every time I try to watch your Youtube channel videos. The headline/click bait is mainly something Negative. When or if Street Outlaws, NPK, FIA, M$D all get cancelled then what’s your channel going to talk about. The whole Ryan Fellows getting killed racing on the Law Suit puts a bad light on the entire Street Outlaws Brand!

  4. LoL, we dont even get street outlaws here. The only way we watch it is illegally.
    I'm not sure why you think there would be hundreds of fans.
    Coming to Australia was the dumbest thing ever.

  5. The tickets also had to be bought in US dollars in the US which added the dollar conversion which is like 60c. You had to pay car parking which is free normally as well. So add 2 tix, 1 car park, 2 photos, dollar conversion and admin fee it was huge. Great day at Willowbank though

  6. I live and went to the Brisbane ( willowbank event) that place was absolutely packed. 15k easy .. and big price for tickets.. Qld Australia are big rev heads..
    So pod cast this..

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