1. You should make it her project. Carburetors on a blower a th400 and an ac kit. Best way to learn is jump feet first into a project. It could double as a parts hauler for the shop.

  2. Found myself in EJ's way a few times while in the pits at Great Lakes Dragaway. She was very kind in asking me to move aside so she could get around the '57. Very nice, cute girl. What to do with the 57? Make it a bit faster and dependable for EJ and Sam's Drag and Drive team!

  3. There's no issue with running it in of from 1st. It's just like having a 3.xx rear in it depending on how deep the old is. I didn't know about reverse though. Good to know.

  4. As a mid 60's petrol head, its great to see somebody being mentored from the bottom rung.
    With no pressure.
    With no mocking or putting her down.
    It would be great if you kept the car, taught EJ to drive it as it is for the year, enter the events and spanner it.
    Then next year help her up its power a bit and repeat.
    I reckon she would be a great addition to the channel and the team.
    I have one huge regret, and i look on SAM with envy
    And that regret is to mentor and help the younger generation to spanner and drive, so that the sport and the enjoyment can continue and thrive.
    Get them doing so.ething with their hands instead of punching a touch screen on a phone.
    Sounds good to me Tom. And you would have a loyal employee that would stay with you for a lonnnggg time.
    I reckon thats a good plan.
    Keep on keeping on
    Heads up
    Eyes open
    No fear

  5. EJ should name that car … So it could be her baby. Your first with all the growing pains. It's a beautiful car to begin with. Possibly think doing suspension and alignment to keep it tight and true! After that and practice SPEED her up! She can do it ! Confidence and practice . Go EJ Go!

  6. You should keep it and build it for EJ she really does show a lot of potential and for sick week you should get Emelia Hartford as her co-pilot and someone mentioned the name sick lady that would be a great name for the car

  7. EJ – wrap star turned race car driver!
    Sounds like Sick Week was an awesome time of learning new stuff and challenging yourself in new ways. Hope this is just the beginning and things go well for you!

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