Suspension Acquired Homemade Formula One Cart – Pt 12

Well, I can’t buy a formula one car. but i can attempt to build one. in reality it will be closer to a formula 1000 style car. but a man can dream 🙂 just your average dude in an average home with a couple of tools trying his best.

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  1. Try out pla+ from esun it will blow you away with its strength.
    Also i would love to discuss the articulation arcs your creating with that suspension, your running into an issue where your travel along the x axis (travel directly translated into the shock) is being limited by the amount of rotation your pivots allow… its hard to explain lol, but ive been designing my own snowmobile race suspension over the last couple months and i think i could maybe help you a little if youd like.

  2. Lookin good man, the custom 1 off stuff is awesome to see. Maybe consider calling around and seeing what companies are willing to sponsor you. that way if you get a badass tool we can see how it works and you can link us to it. never seen a robotic plasma cutter before. makes a guy wonder if you can use it to hold a fleshlight…… for science…..

  3. for stronger prints you want the force to go through the entire layer. So print your parts with the big side down, like it is on the car. And use a lot of perimeter lines. like 12 or more. Also get some pla+ for easy prototyping thats stronger than regular pla

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