0:00 into
0:01 Kye Kelley vs Jim Howe
2:01 Damon Merchant vs Lizzy Musi
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Go Damon!!!!
Damon making bbc great again
Damon has a Procharged Bigblock Chevy and no hemi. The car is moving!
Kye has been carrying the front tires all event, good for him
Lizzy snoozing at the tree.
Damon seems like a great guy, I’d love to see him get the win, but Kye is a bad dude!
Either way, the winner deserves it!
Kue tá brabu
who won?
Who won Futures
Seems Kye's long time Chief Mechanic is gone? Only knows Nitrous??
Great win for Damon. Should be a great race with Kye
Damon killin it. Nice. He deserves it.
Damon 405 guy. Great job.
Kye gone win this mf this time..
I was saying holy shit kye vs lzzy in the finals lol but noooo
Kye deserve it this year Lizzy father done kick him in the nut’s so many time’s..
Nothing makes me happier than seeing Howe back in the box.
Damon's camaro is hauling ass!
I absolutely love Kye's new car. And I have discovered, after watching a bunch of his videos, me and him have the exact same taste in the way things should look.
Kye knows what that track can handle that's why he's won there in 3 different cars and his car was on the bars a lil minute
Super happy for Damon but still rooting for my boy Kye
Kye is on the bars a long time
Dude is hauling ass big time
Poor Lizzy's. Car was Late . Or had to peddle it. Too Bad
Glad Damon putting on a show .
Damin is hauling ass
HAPPY for Damon he desrves it.furst time in finals!!!!!!!!!!!
Wish he would've beat kye!!!!
You will get it done Damon…..
It just started..
Best of luck damon…..
Howe back to the drawing board LOL