1. Robin's little punk ass cries and says people guessed when they beat him on the light yet he's going to burn someone down. That's not the first time he's burn someone down either he's a little punk.

  2. Wow! I can't wait to see this on discovery. I know Shawn said something to him.. Robin will say his usual, " I sware I didn't mean to do it , I would never do that.

  3. There's an auto start if you take too long to stage, so no burn down there. I don't have a dog in this fight but I think Shawn saw the top bulb flicker and went on the chip. Such is life. They'll rerun it

  4. What a chump move by Robin he should be dq’d for burning Shawn down and his wife tripping the pre stage light is just wrong and should be dealt with by penalizing Robin. Just a sad way to win a race I’d be embarrassed to say I won that race like that.

  5. I was at this race today and no one in the cron really knew what happened, but from our view Shawn as on the brake forever, and everyone yelled "Lets go!!"

  6. Robin didn't do anything to Shawn. The Pre stage flickered on Robin side and Shawn went ahead and got up. Kinda looked like he wife foot swung by and tried it.

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