1. Was it my imagination or was Kye's light green and then after he bolted the red came on? Great coverage! So much better without all the in-between race drama and BS but now that's Chuck's outta jail and back running I expect the drama to increase.

  2. Well Kya new he had to jump at the light because he can't out run Ryan. It back fired and he red lite and there lucky Ryan had engine failure or they would have lost the big race.

  3. Ryan was running him down 50 more feet he would have had him to bad for kye red lighting has anybody told Kye this isnt Americas List theres no chase is a race here.

  4. Just a suggestion instead of wasting 2 minutes to see a 10 second race how about you just make shorts that are only 10 seconds long you probably get a lot more views you're welcome

  5. Come on guys kye did jump on that light. He guesses like they all do on a pro tree. Even a regular tree. You don’t actually wait to see green. You have to mentally time it when all the bulbs are lit. Hey cracked a tire It was a good guess but just a cunt hair to early.

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