1. You forget daddy dave has a new car it sometimes just takes a little time too figure out like Fri dave was broken in Ohio dave made it too the 3rd but since then he's had problems his rear end was broke i think that may been the problem since Ohio like Jerry bird having new car blues now Ryan isn't struggling everyone else has caught up he's not as dominant

  2. Everybody forgets dave took a car built for the streets and finish 10 in points last year and missing 2 or 3 races also i just wish it didn't take 6 seasons of NPK for dave too figure out he really needed a car for NPK dave will win a few more i believe dave will win new Hampshire invitational

  3. Great episode stat guy. I think there is a whole field of Ryan martins this year so I think thats why Ryan Martin doesn't look so dominate this year………. so far!

  4. “RYAN MARTIN” ok this sure looks suspicious that Ryan is so far off the pace, and all these other competitors are running so competitively. Having had a lifetime in corporate competitive motorsports, a person of Ryan's caliber does just not fall off to this level. So it is an entertainment show first one could speculate Ryan's performance is a planned event. Just a Thought.

  5. A live feed from Lambeau would be cool for us Packers fans! I used to live in Green Bay out past UWGB in the houses right by Red Smith Elementary!

  6. No Ryan hasn't been consistent like usual but i think its more the competition has finally caught up with him than anything else. He works his butt off tho he will be back to the top soon enough

  7. Daddy Dave’s Goliath is 1 loud car probably the loudest last season
    Great win for Dave always root for him he deserves it been there from the start and puts the work in

  8. Am going to go with Dave for New Hampshire as he got 2 back 2 back wins in great 8 and that was in a car that was built for the street

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