1. Ryan is dominating, really needs the others to come after him, money? Tune? The will? But it's getting to be boring knowing he's gonna win over and over….something needs to happen

  2. Congratulations Ryan, fantastic start. I'm not going to jeeks you with any premature crap.
    Just win and the rest will work itself out!

    You just be you. Smooth, classy and respectful.

  3. When the race "official" can't even see his own pecker, how do they expect him to watch and monitor the event/racers efficiently?

  4. Daddy Dave should of been in the final Ryan needs to stop being a baby about loosing except the loss Ryan stop acting like. Baby I got a bottle and diapers everyone in that lane had no problem but you Ryan fans get his balls and stop swinging lol

  5. Damn Ryan came out swinging. Congratulations to him ,he seems to be a all around good dude. Showing everyone him winning wasn’t a fluke. Still the man to beat.

  6. Ryan deserves all the success he has achieved. He is a nice guy, a honest racer, and knows what he is doing. Javier deserves a lot of credit also, great job guys

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