street outlaws No prep Kings, Brainerd, OH/ Invitationals round 1 (complete)

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Time stamps
0:00 intro
2:33 Robin Roberts Vs Jerry Bird
3:00 Murder nova Vs Bobby Ducote
4:51 Brandon James Vs Justin Swanstrom
6:06 Kallee Mills vs Calvin Franco
7:32 Axman Vs Rich Bruder
9:09 Jeff Lutz Vs Tony McKinney
10:33 Chuck55 vs Dominator
12:09 Lizzy Musi Vs John Odom
13:37 Jim Howe vs Chuck Seitsinger
17:00 Kyle Canion and Damon Merchant
18:16 Nate Sayler Vs Birdman
19:38 Manny Alvarez Vs Giusseppe
21:12 Marty Robertson Vs David Gates
22:44 Kye Kelley Vs B-Rad
23:44 Greg Chandler Vs Scott Taylor
25:38 Kayla Morton Vs Larry Larson

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  1. Howe should of definitely lifted a litter earlier, he had one of the baddest looking cars. Does he have a backup car if he can't get this one fixed before next weekend

  2. Bro speak up speak up speak up I cannot hear a damn thing you're saying get a different Mic something bro after you speak up tell us who in the hell the drivers are can't hear a damn thing you're saying come on man if you want to make good videos then make good videos I'm not trying to be mean I'm just frustrated extremely frustrated I appreciate you doing the videos but I can't hear you and there's new drivers and I can't hear what they're freaking names are speak up speak up speak up

  3. Great job Dom!! As far as Jim goes. You can tell he was just hammering down on that thing even while it was loose. WTH? He won’t need supper tonight cause he ate both walls.

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